
🌟 An universal React isomorphic boilerplate for building server-side render web app.

MIT License


React Isomorphic Boilerplate

An universal React isomorphic boilerplate for building server-side render web app.


This repository is an universal React isomorphic boilerplate for developer to quickly build a super fast and powerful web app that can be rendered both on the client and on the server using the most cutting-edge technology. Compared to others, this boilerplate has more pithily and more elegant configuration file based on environment variables, one for development, one for production. In addition, the directory structure is organized corresponding to mvc principle aim at the best practice.

Technology Stack

Getting Started

  • Require Node.js v6 or later.
  • npm install to install dependencies and devDependencies.
  • npm run dev to start up the development environment.
  • npm run build to compile and bundle the client and server files.
  • npm start to deploy the production server.

What's included

react-isomorphic-boilerplate/                // root directory
 build/                                   // webpack config directory                 // config for webpack when run development bundle                // config for webpack when run production bundle
 client/                                  // client directory
      about/                                // `about` module
      common/                               // `common` module
      home/                                 // `home` module
      shared/                               // shared module
      explore/                              // `explore` module
      index.js                              // client entry file
      routes.js                             // client route config
 dist/                                    // bundle output directory
      client/                               // the client side output directory
      server/                               // the server side output directory
 server/                                  // server directory
      controllers/                          // controllers in server
      middlewares/                          // custom middlewares in server
      models/                               // models in server
      routes/                               // routes in server
      app.js                                // create koa instance in server                         // entry file in development mode                        // entry file in production mode
 views/                                   // views directory
      dev/                                  // output files generated by tpl in development mode
      prod/                                 // output files generated by tpl in production mode
      tpl                                   // templates injected by html-webpack-plugin
 .editorconfig                            // uniform the text editor behavior
 .eslintignore                            // which paths should be omitted from linting
 .eslintrc.json                           // specific rules for eslint
 .gitattributes                           // uniform the new line perform behavior
 .gitignore                               // ignore the specific files when using git
 LICENSE                                  // license information
 package.json                             // npm entry file                                // just what you see now
 yarn.lock                                // lock file autogenerated by yarn

Why Isomorphic


An application that can only run in the client-side cannot serve HTML to crawlers, so it will have poor SEO by default. Web crawlers function by making a request to a web server and interpreting the result. but if the server returns a blank page, its not of much value. There are workarounds, but not without jumping through some hoops.


By the same token, if the server doesnt render a full page of HTML but instead waits for client-side JavaScript to do so, users will experience a few critical seconds of blank page or loading spinner before seeing the content on the page. There are plenty of studies showing the drastic effect a slow site has on users, and thus revenue.


While the ideal case can lead to a nice, clean separation of concerns, inevitably some bits of application logic or view logic end up duplicated between client and server, often in different languages. Common examples are date and currency formatting, form validations, and routing logic. This makes maintenance a nightmare, especially for more complex apps.

Problem exists yet


It happens when run in development mode. This is caused by deprecated using extract-text-webpack-plugin in development for getting a seamless hmr experience.(Why deprecated? See this Issue) If you are not an OCD, go ahead, ignore it.


It happens also when run in development mode. This is caused by when you update the react component code and reload the page, the markup generated mismatches that on server render. However, once you restart the server, the checksum will be valid. So it is harmless, ignore it also.

