

Inventory Manager using React, Redux, Semantic UI, Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB

An Inventory Manager App which has been implemented in React/Redux Stack. Entire Project has been implemented in ES6 and Webpack 2 is used to bundle the entire source code.

This App manager Add/Update/Removal of Product Inventories, along with Necessary User Access Control between a Department Manager and Store Manager.


This Project uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • React - React is a JavaScript Library from Facebook for Building User Interfaces
  • Redux - Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
  • Semantic UI React - Semantic UI is a development framework that helps create beautiful, responsive layouts using human-friendly HTML.
  • Redux-Form - The best way to manage your form state in Redux.
  • Redux-Thunk - Thunk middleware for Redux
  • axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js
  • Node.js - evented I/O for the backend
  • MongoDB - MongoDB is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program.


This Project requires Node.js v4+ to run.

Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.

$ cd react-node-mongodb-Inventory/server
$ npm install
$ npm start
$ .
$ ..
$ cd react-node-mongodb-Inventory/client
$ npm install
$ npm start

Open the Web Server (http://localhost:4000/) to check out the Project

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