


npx create-react-app my-app --template=typescript
cd my-app

Pick your UI library or UI framework

  • tailwindcss
  • material-ui
  • antd
  • chakra ui
  • styled-components
  • emotion

Create pages and routers

Setting up the routers is a one time setup.

Future pages will be registered in your router.

npm i -D prettier
  • create ./src/pages/HomePage.tsx, ./src/pages/AnotherPage.tsx, etc, with the name of the page as the h1 for POC
  • npm i react-router react-router-dom
  • create a component, EagerRoutes.tsx, to register the pages
  • use the EagerRoutes component in the App.tsx with BrowserRouter
  • run the application and navigate to different pages using the URL field of the browser
  • create another component for routing and name it LazyRoutes.tsx
  • register the pages in the LazyRoutes
  • use the LazyRoutes component in the App.tsx with BrowserRouter
  • run the application and navigate to different pages using the URL field of the browser

Create navigation bar

  • create a component, NavigationBar.tsx
  • Add links/menus for different pages in the NavigationBar
  • run the application and try to navigate using the menus
  • create styling for the navigation bar
  • create a views folder, ./src/views/
  • create a layout template for the pages and put it in the ./src/views/MainLayout.tsx
  • run the application to see if it works

Set up axios for API calls

  • create ./src/api/axiosConfig.ts
  • this is also where interceptors will be added for header authorization if needed

Set up generic http services

npm i axios
  • create ./src/api/genericApiCalls.ts

Set up json-server and concurrently

npm i -D json-server concurrently
  • create ./src/json-server/db.json and ./src/json-server/routes.json
  • add proxy in the packages.json
  • update the scripts

Set up the hero feature for redux

npm i @reduxjs/toolkit react-redux redux-injectors redux
  • create a feature folder, ./src/features
  • create heroes folder inside the features
  • create heroTypes.ts for the hero type/model, action type, and state type
  • create heroAsyncActions.ts for asynchronous actions of hero feature
  • create heroSlice.ts for the hero reducer

Set up Redux Toolkit (one time only)

  • create ./src/store/configureStore.ts
  • create ./src/store/reducers.ts
  • all succeeding reducers will be registered in the reducers.ts
  • update the App.tsx by adding a provider for store

Hero Page

  • create ./src/pages/HeroesPage.tsx
  • add useDispatch and useSelector
  • dispatch the getHeroesAction inside the useHook
  • run the application, npm run start:fullstack and see the devtools if response i 200ok
  • map the heroes and render all the heroes
  • use the boolean loading state to show the loading message while fetching the data
  • add the mark button functionality for every hero

Set up React Testing Library

  • create ./src/test-utils/testing-library-util.tsx that will be a copy of the root component

Set up MSW for mocking API calls

npm i -D msw
  • the msw is a mocking library which will intercept the requests and responses in the integration tests
  • create ./src/mocks/handler/heroHandler.ts
  • create ./src/mocks/handler/index.ts
  • create ./src/mocks/server.ts
  • update the ./src/setupTests.ts

Integration tests

  • write integration tests, ./src/pages/tests/HeroesPage.test.ts, check if title and loading message is appearing
  • write a test if the mark message will appear after clicking the mark button

Delete hero from the UI (store)

  • create a function to temporary delete a hero
  • create a button to temporary delete a hero

Delete hero from the UI (store)

  • create a function to temporary delete a hero by updating the ./src/feature/heroes s
  • update the heroTypes.ts
  • update the heroSlice.ts
  • create a button to temporary delete a hero
  • add a test for temporary remove of hero

Delete hero from the UI (store) and from the database

  • create a function to permanently delete a hero by updating the ./src/feature/heroes
  • update the heroTypes.ts
  • update the heroAsyncActions.ts
  • update the heroSlice.ts
  • create a button to permanently delete a hero
  • add a test for permanent delete a hero

Add hero

npm i formik yup
  • create a function to add a hero by updating the ./src/feature/heroes
  • update the heroTypes.ts
  • update the heroAsyncActions.ts
  • update the heroSlice.ts
  • create the SharedInput.tsx, ShareForm.tsx, and FormSubmission.tsx in the components folder
  • create a button to add a hero
  • import the FormSubmission on the HeroesPage and past the postHeroAction

Villain Page

  • create ./src/pages/VillainPage.tsx
  • create features/villains/query.ts
  • update the ./src/pages/VillainPage.tsx