
React typesetting components.

MIT License


❧ react-typesetting ☙

React components for creating beautifully typeset designs.


⚠️ This project is highly experimental. Use at your own risk!

Table of Contents



import { TightenText } from 'react-typesetting';

Tightens word-spacing, letter-spacing, and font-size (in that order) by the minimum amount necessary to ensure a minimal number of wrapped lines and overflow.

The algorithm starts by setting the minimum of all values (defined by the minWordSpacing, minLetterSpacing, and minFontSize props) to determine whether adjusting these will result in fewer wrapped lines or less overflow. If so, then a binary search is performed (with at most maxIterations) to find the best fit.

By default, element resizes that may necessitate refitting the text are automatically detected. By specifying the reflowKey prop, you can instead take manual control by changing the prop whenever you’d like the component to update.

Note that unlike with typical justified text, the fit adjustments must apply to all lines of the text, not just the lines that need to be tightened, because there is no way to target individual wrapped lines. Thus, this component is best used sparingly for typographically important short runs of text, like titles or labels.


The class to apply to the outer wrapper span created by this component.

Extra style properties to add to the outer wrapper span created by this component.

The content to render.

Minimum word spacing in ems. Set this to 0 if word spacing should not be adjusted.

Minimum letter spacing in ems. Set this to 0 if word spacing should not be adjusted.

Minimum font-size in ems. Set this to 1 if font size should not be adjusted.

When performing a binary search to find the optimal value of each CSS property, this sets the maximum number of iterations to run before settling on a value.

If specified, disables automatic reflow so that you can trigger it manually by changing this value. The prop itself does nothing, but changing it will cause React to update the component.

Debounces reflows so they happen at most this often in milliseconds (at the end of the given duration). If not specified, reflow is computed every time the component is rendered.

Whether to completely disable refitting the text. Any fit adjustments that have already been applied in a previous render will be preserved.

A function to call when layout has been recomputed and the text is done refitting.

The name of a preset defined in an outer Typesetting.Provider component. If it exists, default values for all other props will come from the specified preset.


import { PreventWidows } from 'react-typesetting';

Prevents widows by measuring the width of the last line of text rendered by the component’s children. Spaces will be converted to non-breaking spaces until the given minimum width or the maximum number of substitutions is reached.

By default, element resizes that may necessitate recomputing line widths are automatically detected. By specifying the reflowKey prop, you can instead take manual control by changing the prop whenever you’d like the component to update.


The class to apply to the outer wrapper span created by this component.

Extra style properties to add to the outer wrapper span created by this component.

The content to render.

The maximum number of spaces to substitute.

The minimum width of the last line, below which non-breaking spaces will be inserted until the minimum is met.

  • Numbers indicate an absolute pixel width.
  • Strings indicate a CSS width value that will be computed by
    temporarily injecting an element into the container and determining its
  • Functions will be called with relevant data to determine a dynamic
    number or string value to return. This can be used, for example, to
    have different rules at different breakpoints – like a media query.

A character or element to use when substituting spaces. Defaults to a standard non-breaking space character, which you should almost certainly stick with unless you want to visualize where non-breaking spaces are being inserted for debugging purposes, or adjust their width.

  • String values will be inserted directly into the existing Text node
    containing the space.
  • React Element values will be rendered into an in-memory “incubator”
    node, then transplanted into the DOM, splitting up the Text node in
    which the space was found.
  • Function values must produce a string, Text node, Element node, or
    React Element to insert.

If specified, disables automatic reflow so that you can trigger it manually by changing this value. The prop itself does nothing, but changing it will cause React to update the component.

Debounces reflows so they happen at most this often in milliseconds (at the end of the given duration). If not specified, reflow is computed every time the component is rendered.

Whether to completely disable widow prevention.

A function to call when layout has been recomputed and space substitution is done.

The name of a preset defined in an outer Typesetting.Provider component. If it exists, default values for all other props will come from the specified preset.


import { Justify } from 'react-typesetting';

While this may include more advanced justification features in the future, it is currently very simple: it conditionally applies text-align: justify to its container element (a <p> by default) depending on whether or not there is enough room to avoid large, unseemly word gaps. The minimum width is defined by minWidth and defaults to 16 ems.

You might also accomplish this with media queries, but this component can determine the exact width available to the container element instead of just the entire page.


The class to apply to the outer wrapper element created by this component.

Extra style properties to add to the outer wrapper element created by this component.

The content to render.

The element type in which to render the supplied children. It must be a block level element, like p or div, since text-align has no effect on inline elements. It may also be a custom React component, as long as it uses forwardRef.

The minimum width at which to allow justified text. Numbers indicate an absolute pixel width. Strings will be applied to an element's CSS in order to perform the width calculation.

Whether or not to initially set text-align: justify before the available width has been determined.

If specified, disables automatic reflow so that you can trigger it manually by changing this value. The prop itself does nothing, but changing it will cause React to update the component.

Debounces reflows so they happen at most this often in milliseconds (at the end of the given duration). If not specified, reflow is computed every time the component is rendered.

Whether to completely disable justification detection. The last alignment that was applied will be preserved.

A function to call when layout has been recomputed and justification has been applied or unapplied.

The name of a preset defined in an outer Typesetting.Provider component. If it exists, default values for all other props will come from the specified preset.


import { FontObserver } from 'react-typesetting';

A component for observing the fonts specified in the FontObserver.Provider component.


A function that will receive the current status of the observed fonts. The argument will be an object with these properties:

  • fonts: An array of the fonts passed to FontObserver.Provider, each
    with a loaded and error property.
  • loaded: Whether all observed fonts are done loading.
  • error: If any fonts failed to load, this will be populated with the
    first error.


import { FontObserver } from 'react-typesetting';

A context provider for specifying which fonts to observe.


The fonts to load and observe. The font files themselves should already be specified somewhere (in CSS), this component simply uses FontFaceObserver to force them to load (if necessary) and observe when they are ready.

Each item in the array specifies the font family, weight, style, and stretch, with only family being required. Additionally, each item can contain a custom testString and timeout for that font, if they should differ from the defaults. If only the family name is needed, the array item can just be a string.

A custom test string to pass to the load method of FontFaceObserver, to be used for all fonts that do not specify their own testString.

A custom timeout in milliseconds to pass to the load method of FontFaceObserver, to be used for all fonts that do not specify their own timeout.

The content that will have access to font loading status via context.


import { Typesetting } from 'react-typesetting';

A context provider for defining presets for all other react-typesetting components to use.


An object mapping preset names to default props. For example, given the value:

{ myPreset: { minFontSize: 1, maxIterations: 3 } }

…the TightenText component could use this preset by specifying the preset prop:

<TightenText preset="myPreset" />

The content that will have access to the defined presets via context.