
React hook to handle session from your browser storage

MIT License




React hook to handle session from your browser storage


Getting session

Import useSession from react-use-session and pass a sessionKey.

import { useSession } from  'react-use-session';


const { session } = useSession('my-app');


If that key is found in your browser storage then its value will be returned as session since your app first render. If not, the returned value is null.

Saving or clearing session

To save a new session you use the save function, you can save any object or string, to clear the session you use the clear function, both functions are given to you by useSession.

const { session, save, clear } = useSession('my-app');

Non-persistent session

If you don't want the session to be kept when the user closes the window. There is a second parameter called "keepOnWindowClosed" that you can assign to false. The default value is true, so session is persistent by default.

const { session } = useSession('my-app', false);

Auto "JSON Web Token" Parsing

If you have a string containing a JSON Web Token, instead of calling save, you can call saveJWT, which will automatically parse the JWT to a Javascript Object, save it in the browser local storage, and return the object back to you.

const { saveJWT } = useSession('my-app');


import  React  from  'react';
import { useSession } from  'react-use-session';

function  App() {

const  JSON_WEB_TOKEN = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJyZWFjdC11c2Utc2Vzc2lvbi1leGFtcGxlIiwiaWF0IjoxNTQxMDgwMjAwLCJleHAiOjE5MTk3Njg0MDAsImF1ZCI6ImxvY2FsaG9zdDozMDAwIiwic3ViIjoiZ2FicmllbGJiMDMwNkBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJHaXZlbk5hbWUiOiJHYWJyaWVsIiwiU3VybmFtZSI6IkJhc2lsaW8gQnJpdG8iLCJSb2xlIjoiQ3JlYXRvciJ9.GK23QsdEgMzGmxCwX9CjEg5lbSztZ7C67vKc7L09KgI";

const { session, saveJWT, clear } = useSession('jwt-test-app');

return (
<div  className="App">
session ?
<p>You are logged in as: <code>{session.GivenName}</code></p>
<button  onClick={clear}>Log out</button>
<p>No session. Please log in</p>
<button  onClick={() =>  saveJWT(JSON_WEB_TOKEN)}>Log in</button>

export  default  App;

Code Documentation


* React hook to handle session from your browser storage

* @param  sessionKey This required parameter is used as the browser storage key. This should be a unique string per app. For example your package.json's name value.

* @param  keepOnWindowClosed This optional parameter will determine if useSession will work with LocalStorage or SessionStorage. Default value is true, so default storage is LocalStorage

* @returns If there is a session in your browser storage then it will be returned. If there is no session, it will return null. It also returns 3 functions to handle the session


declare  function  useSession(sessionKey:  string, keepOnWindowClosed?:  boolean): {

session:  object  |  string  |  null;

save: (sessionValue:  object  |  string) =>  void;

saveJWT: (jwt:  string) =>  void;

clear: () =>  void;
