
React Native X Hacker News API


React Native X Hacker News API

What we use:

  1. React Hooks

  2. React Navigation

  3. Axios for fetch data

  4. WebView auto-resize (free to use)

  5. My Boilerplate

  6. Refresh data scroll down

  7. List Pagination (load more)


Repo React:

Hacker News API:


Node 10 or greater is required. Development for iOS requires a Mac and Xcode 9 or up, and will target iOS 9 and up.

You also need to install the dependencies required by React Native:

Running the project

Assuming you have all the requirements installed, you can setup and run the project by running:

  • clone this repository
  • npm install --save to install the dependencies
  • run the following steps for your platform


  • only the first time you run the project, you need to generate a debug key with:
    • cd android/app
    • keytool -genkey -v -keystore debug.keystore -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
    • cd ../.. to come back to the root folder
  • npx run react-native start to start the metro bundler, in a dedicated terminal
  • npx run react-native run-android to run the Android application (remember to start a simulator or connect an Android phone)


  • cd ios
  • pod install to install pod dependencies
  • cd .. to come back to the root folder
  • npx run react-native start to start the metro bundler, in a dedicated terminal
  • npx run react-native run-ios to run the iOS application (remember to start a simulator or connect an iPhone phone)