
⚒ A Redux Workshop 🏂


⚒️ Redux Workshop 🏂

This is a Redux Workshop to learn Redux

📋 Topics Covered:

  1. Using Redux in isolation ( without React )
  2. Redux Store
  3. Actions
  4. Action Creators
  5. Reducers
  6. Middleware ( redux-thunk, redux-logger )
  7. Using Redux with React

🔖 Branch Details

  1. 🏬 1-basic-redux-store Basic Redux store without using React. Find all code in src/store.js
  2. 🚢 2-combine-multiple-reducers Example for multiple reducers
  3. 🚀 3-synchronous-actions-with-redux Synchronous Actions
  4. ✈️ 4-asynchronous-actions-with-redux Handling asynchronous actions with redux
  5. 5-redux-with-react Using Redux store for data in React Components

⛽ Installation

git clone

cd redux-workshop

git checkout branch-name

npm install

⚡ Development

git checkout branch-name

npm run dev

❄️ Production

git checkout branch-name

npm run build