
This is my apartment listing website for a real estate company, integrating a Mapbox API for interactive maps, JSON data handling for nearby attractions, and a real-time availability checker.

OTHER License


Real Estate Listings Website

This project is a modern, responsive web application built with React.js. The website presents a clean and modern interface, offering features like light mode and dark mode for different user preferences. It includes interactive elements, real-time data fetching, and secure backend communication. (Note: There is a separate backend server repository, which I have kept private. If you would like to view this repository, please email me at [email protected].)

Table of Contents


  • Modern UI/UX: The website includes both light mode and dark mode, ensuring it is suitable for various user preferences and screen sizes.

  • Analytics: Tracks basic analytics such as page visits by region and device.

  • Interactive Elements:

    • Gallery: Users can filter images by category.
    • Amenities: Comprehensive list of amenities offered by the villas (accordion style).
    • Availability: Real-time apartment availability checker.
    • 3D Interactive Map: Built with the Mapbox API, featuring custom clickable icons.
  • Data Security: All data is fetched from a secure backend server. The server is password-protected and adheres to authorization and authentication rules.

  • Loading Animations: The front end displays loading animations while fetching data from the backend, ensuring a smooth user experience. Once the data is loaded, the relevant content is populated into the page.

Sample Images

Home Page

Gallery Page

About Page

Availability Page

Amenities Page

Neighborhood Map

Nearby Attractions Page

Contact Page

Project Structure

The project is organized as follows:

  • src/assets: Contains static assets like images and icons.

  • src/components: Reusable UI components such as the Header and Footer.

    • Footer: The footer section of the website.
      • Footer.tsx
      • styles.tsx
    • Header: The header section of the website.
      • Header.tsx
      • styles.tsx
  • src/pages: Pages of the website, including the About, Amenities, Availability, Contact, Home, and Neighborhood sections.

    • About-villas: Information about the villas.
      • About.tsx
      • styles.tsx
    • Amenities: List of amenities offered by the villas.
      • Amenities.tsx
      • styles.tsx
    • Availability: Real-time apartment availability checker.
      • Availability.tsx
      • styles.tsx
    • Contact: Contact information and form.
      • Contact.tsx
      • styles.tsx
    • Home: The homepage of the website.
      • Gallery.tsx
      • Home.tsx
      • styles.tsx
    • Neighborhood: Information about the surrounding neighborhood.
      • MapComponent
        • LazyMapComponent.tsx: Lazy-loaded map component for performance optimization.
        • MapComponent.tsx: The main Map component.
        • MapComponent.css: CSS for the Map component.
      • Neighborhood.tsx
      • styles.tsx
  • src/utils: Utility functions and modules used throughout the project.

    • auth.ts: Handles authentication and authorization logic.
  • src/App.tsx: Main application file.

  • src/index.tsx: Entry point of the application.

Steps to Run the Code/Website

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App, a tool that provides a modern setup for building React applications with zero configuration.

Follow these steps to get the project up and running:

1. Install Dependencies

Before starting the application, ensure all dependencies are installed by running:

npm install

This command installs the necessary packages specified in the package.json file.

2. Start the Development Server

To start the application in development mode:

npm start
  • This command launches the app and opens it in your default web browser at http://localhost:3000.
  • The development server provides hot reloading, meaning the page will automatically reload whenever you make changes to the code.
  • Any lint errors or issues will be displayed in the console.

3. Run Tests

To run the test suite in interactive watch mode:

npm test
  • This will launch the test runner, which watches for file changes and re-runs tests automatically.
  • For more detailed information on running tests, refer to the Create React App testing documentation.
  • NOTE: I have not written any custom tests for this project yet.

4. Build for Production

To create an optimized production build:

npm run build
  • This command bundles the app for production, optimizing the build for the best performance.
  • The optimized files are output to the build directory, ready to be deployed.
  • Filenames are hashed to ensure proper caching on the client side.

For more details on deploying your application, refer to the Create React App deployment guide.

5. Eject the Configuration (Optional)

If you need more control over the project configuration, you can eject the default setup:

npm run eject

Important: Ejecting is a one-way operation. Once you eject, you cannot revert back!

  • This command will remove the single build dependency from your project and copy all the configuration files and dependencies (Webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc.) directly into your project.
  • You can then modify the configuration files as needed.
  • All existing commands (npm start, npm test, npm run build) will continue to work, but they will use the copied configuration.

Learn More

For further reading and advanced topics:

Built by Mohamed Farid Patel


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.