
hello world

MIT License



This is my personal sites repository. I do Thinker, Hacking, Experiment, and anything what I need to know. Because of curiousity.

graph LR
  A[Content] -- export --> B[Static Sites]
  B -- convert --> C[OCaml Module]
  C -- compile --> D[1 Static Binary]
  D --> E(Ready to Run)

Tech Stack


  • NextJs The React Framework for the Web by Vercel.
  • Chakra-UI a simple, modular and accessible component library that gives you the building blocks you need to build your React applications..


  • Dream Tidy Web framework for OCaml and ReasonML by @aantron.
  • ocaml-crunch Convert a filesystem into a static OCaml module by @mirage.


  • Yarn@v3 Yarn is a package manager that doubles down as project manager. Whether you work on one-shot projects or large monorepos, as a hobbyist or an enterprise user, we've got you covered.
  • Nodejs Node.js® is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.
  • OCaml General-Purpose, Industrial-Strength, Expressive, and Safe.



You don't technically need to run or setup anything on your end (except Nix). But if you want to setup for your own needs, you can take a look into flake.nix and .envrc.example.


Most of the commands run in the root project directory.

run Frontend

nix develop . -c yarn install && yarn dev


nix develop
yarn install && yarn dev

run Backend

nix run .#backend

run nix-shell

Available shell options:

  • default with all tools from frontend and backend.
nix develop
  • frontend with yarn, node, and related nodejs ecosystem tools.
nix develop .#frontend
  • backend with fswatch and ocaml ecosystem tools.
nix develop .#backend

See Detail Here.



  • @Xe - https://xeiaso.net for talk about "My Blog is Hilariously Overengineered to the Point People Think it's a Static Site" at GambiConf.