
Sagor Portfolio is a modern, interactive personal portfolio crafted to display my skills, projects, and professional background. It serves as a dynamic and engaging platform for potential employers and collaborators to explore my work and achievements.


🚀 Khan Portfolio

📜 Project Overview

Sagor Portfolio is a modern, interactive personal portfolio crafted to display my skills, projects, and professional background. It serves as a dynamic and engaging platform for potential employers and collaborators to explore my work and achievements.

🌐 Live Site

Explore the live site: Sagor Portfolio Live

Key Features

  • 🎨 Interactive Animations: Delightful animations and transitions for an immersive user experience using framer-motion.
  • 💻 Responsive Design: Seamlessly adapts to desktop, tablet, and mobile devices with TailwindCSS.
  • 📧 Email Integration: Inbuilt email functionality powered by emailjs for effortless and direct communication.

🛠️ Technology Used

  • Frontend:
    • React
    • TailwindCSS
    • framer-motion
  • Utilities:
    • react-icons
    • react-animated-cursor
  • Development Tools:
    • TailwindCSS

Cloning Instructions

To clone and set up khan Poryfolio locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository from GitHub.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Install dependencies using npm install.
  4. Configure environment variables.
  5. Start the development server with npm start.
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