
A global store, and good ol' fashion setState

MIT License


2022 update: React 18, useId, cleaning house

Set State is Great

Global state management without the ceremony. Zero dependency (other than React of course). No Context or reducers.


npm install set-state-is-great


yarn add set-state-is-great

Creating the store

Set State is Great (SSiG) is, at its core, just a key/value store.

import { Store } from 'set-state-is-great';

const appState = {
  viewShown: 'Home',
  colormode: 'dark',
  drawer: { open: false, other: '?' },

const store = new Store(appState);

setState & setPartialState

For mutating a store's data, there's setState & setPartialState:

setState replaces the state for a key:

store.setState('drawer', { open: true, other: 'yup' });

Use setPartialState for partial updates to objects, it will assign (via Object.assign) the new values to the existing object:

store.setPartialState('drawer', { open: true });


SSiG's main hook. Use it to watch for changes to a particular key.

import { store } from './globals';
import { useStoreState } from "set-state-is-great";

function Drawer() {
  const { open } = useStoreState(store, 'drawer');

  return (
    <MuiDrawer open={open}>
      <div>just drawer things</div>

export default Drawer;


The other hook - works just like useStoreState, but checks that the returning value is not null or undefined (and throws an error if it is). Returning value is set to NonNullable.


Access the central state obj via store.state.

Feel free to mutate it as you see fit.

store.state.drawer; // => {open: true, other: 'yup'}
store.getNonNullState('drawer'); // throws an error if null or undefined = false;

Or just replace it wholesale:

store.state = {
  viewShown: 'Home',
  colormode: 'light',
  drawer: { open: false, other: '?' },

Force updating components

// forceUpdate all components watching a particular key


setStateIfDifferent will only rerender watching components if the value differs. EG:

store.setStateIfDifferent('breakpoint', 'sm');`

Organizing the store (and some TypeScript)

How I do it: create a constants.ts file with a store variable and function to set it:

// constants.ts
import { Store } from "set-state-is-great";
import { AppState } from "./types";

export var store: Store<AppState>;

export const setStore = (theStore: Store<AppState>) => {
  store = theStore
  window.App = { store: theStore }

Then set it when creating the store:

// store.ts
import { Store } from 'set-state-is-great';
import { AppState } from './types';
import { setStore } from './globals';

const appState: AppState = {
  drawer: { open: false, other: '?' },
  modal: { open: false, title: 'nada' },

const store = new Store<AppState>(appState);


Then you import the store from any file: import { store } from './globals';


getHelpers gives you the following functions scoped to a particular key:

setState, setPartialState, setStateIfDifferent

import { store } from './globals';

const { setPartialState } = store.getHelpers('drawer');

const closeDrawer = () => {
  setPartialState({ open: false });


SSiG is written in & optimized for TS, and it's highly recommended that you use it with TS.

To do so, first define your store's state:

type DrawerState = {
  open: boolean;
  other: string;

type ModalState = {
  open: boolean;
  title: string;

export type AppState = {
  colormode: 'dark' | 'light';
  drawer?: DrawerState;
  modal?: ModalState;

Then pass in AppState as a Generic when creating your store:

const store = new Store<AppState>({ colormode: "dark" });

Now setState et al. will check that you're passing in the correct types.