
Sample quiz application developed in reactjs


Sample React Quiz App

Created with create-react-app and Material UI

This quiz app works with JSON input questions and answers, below are the demos with sample JSONs.

  1. demo1, json1
  2. demo2, json2
  1. Supports code snippets - Referer json2
  2. Supports images - Refer json2
  3. Inline styles (Questions & answers) - Refer json2
  4. Responsive
  5. Supports multiple quizzes
Screenshots of the quiz app

Code snippet question: image1 Image questions with inline style answers image2

To run in Local

Clone or download and issue the below commands in project root directory and open http://localhost:3000/#/quiz1/http://localhost:3000/#/quiz2 in browser

npm install
npm start

How to create new set of questions?

  1. Create a JSON (for example name of the json is temp.json) with question and answers of the format - json2
  2. Place the JSON under src/api/
  3. Re-run the application and access your quiz at http://localhost:3000/#/temp (temp is your name of JSON)

Feel free to customize to your own needs