
TRPC + CLERK - Move fast break nothing, secure everything


Clerk T3 Minimal

The following project uses TRPC + Clerk with minimal styling. The project is a good starting point for using TRPC + Clerk.

Project features

  1. User Context throughout
  2. Protected and public procedures
  3. Sign-in, Sign-Up and User Profile components

How to use

  1. Create a Clerk account
  2. Copy .env.example and rename to .env and add your keys found in the dashboard.
  3. Run npm install
  4. npx npx prisma db push
  5. Run npm run dev


  • Huge shoutout to the team at TRPC for making an awesome project.

  • Shoutout to t3 stack for introducing a lot of people to the TRPC and influencing structure of this project.