
React hook to subscribe and dispatch events accros React components

MIT License



React hook to subscribe and dispatch events across React components



import { dispatch } from 'use-bus':

  • dispatch('string'): will dispatch the action { type: 'string' } without payload
  • dispatch({ type: 'string', payload: 3 }): will dispatch the given action


import useBus from 'use-bus':

  • useBus(filter, callback, deps): register the given callback to the given filter
    • filter: it can be a string, array of strings, RegExp or a function
      • string: if filter is a string, then the action type is test over this given string, if the filter match the type, the callback is called
      • string[]: if the filter array includes the type, the callback is called
      • RegExp: if the filter expression matches the type, the callback is called
      • function: the callback is called if the function returns a truthy value
    • callback: take the action as the first argument so you can retrieve its type and its payload for example
    • deps: is an array where you declare variables you use in callback, like you are doing for a useEffect from React


register to an event (and react to it)

import React, { useState } from 'react'
import useBus from 'use-bus'

const PrintIterations = () => {
  const [iterations, setIterations] = useState(0)

    () => setIterations(iterations + 1),

  return (
      {'There is '}
      {' iterations'}

export default PrintIterations
  1. import the hook useBus
  2. register to an event name, here @@ui/ADD_ITERATION
  3. react to this, here an anonymous function that increment a number

dispatch an event

import React from 'react'
import { dispatch } from 'use-bus'

const IterateBtn = () => {
  return (
    <button onClick={() => dispatch('@@ui/ADD_ITERATION')}>

export default IterateBtn
  1. import dispatch and call it with the event you want to send

Connect the dispatcher and the reaction

import React from 'react'
import PrintIterations from './printIterations'
import IterateBtn from './iterateBtn'

const App = () => {
  return (
      <PrintIterations />
      <IterateBtn />

export default App

There is no connection to do, this is already done by use-bus.

This example just demonstrate that siblings can interact, but you can imagine a dispatcher wherever you want in the React tree and something that react to the dispatch wherever you want to.