
React hooks that help you do what you already did, with more indirection



React hooks that help you do what you already did, with more indirection

Warning: this package is ready for production use because of 1.x.x version


npm install @pveyes/use-less


All the functionalities are available inside named import. Because it's written in typescript, you can be sure these hooks are free of bugs.


React already provide useState hooks, but what if you want to use props instead? use-less provides useProps hooks to get your actual props:

import { useProps } from '@pveyes/use-less';

function Component(props) {
  const actualProps = useProps(props);
  // you can finally use the actual component props
  return <div {...actualProps} />;

In cases where your props is computationally expensive, you can use lazy initializer, similar to how it works in useState

import { useProps } from '@pveyes/use-less';

function Component(expensiveProps) {
  const props = useProps(() => expensiveProps);
  // you can finally use the actual component props
  return <div {...props} />;


If you don't like the way React uses tuple for its state hooks and you feel like setting state on constructor is the way to go, you can use useConstructor hooks to do that.

import { useConstructor } from '@pveyes/use-less';

function Component() {
  // If you're feeling nostalgic, you can use Cyrillic character
  // to name your variable `thіs` without v8 yelling at you
  const thіs = useConstructor(function constructor() {
    this.state = {
      text: string;

  // It feels so good to use this.state & this.setState
  // RIGHT? RIGHT???
  return (
      onChange={e => thіs.setState({ text: '' })}

Yes, you need to use normal function, not arrow function.


Moving to React hooks means you lose one of the most powerful React API: getDerivedStateFromProps or gDSFP for short. Don't be afraid, we bring it back in use-less using useDerivedStateFromProps or uDSFP for short.

import { useDerivedStateFromProps } from '@pveyes/use-less';

// if you're familiar with redux, you'll be familiar with this as well
function mapPropsToState(props) {
  return {
    value: props.value,
    onChange: () => void 0,

function Component(props) {
  const state = useDerivedStateFromProps(props, mapPropsToState);
  return <input value={state.value} onChange={state.onChange} />;


With hooks, you see less and less render props pattern being used. use-less provides useRenderProps to help you cling to your old pattern:

import { useRenderProps } from '@pveyes/use-less';

function Component(props) {
  const renderProps = useRenderProps(props);
  return renderProps(props => <section {...props} />);


Another thing that's missing since hooks era is Higher Order Component. One that was praised for being powerful is now starting to be abandoned. Fortunately, you can still use HOCs using useHOC hooks (no pun intended).

import { useHOC } from '@pveyes/use-less';
import withLegacy from './hoc';

function Component(props) {
  const renderHOC = useHOC(withLegacy);
  return renderHOC(hocProps => <div {...props} {...hocProps} />);

This is even better than just using HOC, there's no more props naming conflict! This is the power of composition between hooks, HOC and render props!


The main issue with React Context is you can only get value that the Provider gives you, or its default value. What if you want to access global value? With the rise of SSR, you need to be sure you call correct global console in both server and browser. With useGlobalContext you can access all global variable that exists in both environment.

It works in SSR and browser without any configuration!

import { useGlobalContext } from '@pveyes/use-less';

function Component(props) {
  const { console } = useGlobalContext();
  console.log('It works!');
  return null;


  • Does it work with concurrent mode

    Yes, all this hooks should work in concurrent mode. Our example uses React.StrictMode to make sure it works with future version of React.

  • Can I really use this in production?

    Yes, version 1.x.x means it's already stable and ready to use in production

  • Why is it @pveyes/use-less and not use-less?

    Because there's already useless npm package, and npm doesn't allow package using similar name with existing package. If you want to donate the package name, I'll be happy.

  • Is this a joke?

    What do you think?
