
Companion repository for "Build Snappier Apps with React and Web Workers"


Build Snappier Apps with React and Web Workers

Welcome! 🎉 This is the companion repository for my talk on using the Web Workers API within your React application.

About the author

👋 Hi! I am Mehdi (he/him), an engineer, speaker, instructor, and creative coder based out of Atlanta, GA, USA. I love learning, cooking, art, and nerdy deep dives on biology, physics, and math.

The best place to find me is on Twitter, @mehdi_vasigh. Please feel free to reach out!


Getting started

If you want to code along with the workshop portion of the talk, you will need to clone this repository on your machine. If you want to commit changes and play around with the code as much as you want, fork the repo and clone your fork instead--you may want to set this repo as your upstream so that you can pull any new changes.

To clone, run the following command:

# Clone the repository locally
$ git clone https://github.com/mvasigh/web-workers-react.git

# Navigate into the project directory
$ cd web-workers-react

Running the examples

This repository contains a number of example applications. You can find these examples in the /examples directory. If you want to run any of the examples locally so that you can play with them in your browser, you can use the npm run example --name=<example-name> command, and replace <example-name> with the name of the directory the example is found in.

For example, if you want to run the bounce-react example, you can run the following in your terminal:

$ npm run example --name=bounce-react

Running this command will install all of the dependencies for that example and start a local dev server that will refresh when you make changes to the source code.


Ask me on Twitter @mehdi_vasigh or open an issue in this repo!