
All kinds of resources for Developers in one place.

MIT License



Community to help developers by providing them all kinds of free resources at one place.

Looking for contributors in helping me to add this resources please not add more than 10 resources in one PR.

Main Libraries/Frameworks Used


if you have not installed nodeJS install it. then:-

npm install && npm start


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

If you're new to contribute to Open Source on GitHub, this guide can help you get started. Please check out the contribution guide for more details on how issues and pull requests work.

Steps to add Resources

    id: 9,  // +1 than last available resource data
      'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dipakkr/A-to-Z-Resources-for-Students/master/README.md', // raw url Link of  Repo. Readme file
    repoName: 'A-to-Z-Resources-for-Students',  // Available Repo. name
      'Curated list of resources for college students. you should definitely check this out.', // Description of Resources
    repoOwnerName: 'dipakkr', // Repo. owner name(Id) or Repo. owner organisation
    repoOwner: 'Deepak Kumar',    // Repo. owner full name or Repo. owner organisation
    category: ['web-dev', 'mob-dev', 'course', 'language'],    // category from which resource belong (choose from below available categories)
  • available categories:-
    • web-dev
    • mob-dev
    • frontend
    • backend
    • language
    • project
    • course
    • podcast
    • interview
    • productive
    • data-science

Show your support

show your ❤️ and 👍 by giving ⭐ to this Repo. if this project helped you in anyways!

Stars History



Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!