
⚡ Fine grained reactive UI library with no-compiler and no-magic, explicit subscriptions for signals, and first class support for HMR



⚡ Fine grained reactive UI Library.

npm: npm i alfama



  • Rich and Complete: From support for SVG to popular patterns like dangerouslySetInnerHTML, ref to <Fragment> and <Portal /> alfama has you covered.
  • Small: Fully featured at ~9kB gzip.
  • Truly reactive and fine grained: Unlike VDOM libraries which use diffing to compute changes, it uses fine grained updates to target only the DOM which needs to update.
  • No Magic: Explicit subscriptions obviate the need of sample/untrack methods found in other fine grained reactive libraries like solid/sinuous. Importantly, many feel that this also makes your code easy to reason about.
  • Signals and Stores: Signals for primitives and Stores for deeply nested objects/arrays.
  • First class HMR: Preserves Signals/Stores across HMR loads for a truly stable HMR experience.
  • DevEx: no compile step needed if you want: choose your view syntax: h for plain javascript or <JSX/> for babel/typescript.

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Counter - Codesandbox

/** @jsx h **/
import { component, h, render } from "alfama";

// 1) The signal/wire/store functions are passed as a param to
// component definition
const Page = component("HomePage", (props, { signal, wire }) => {
  // 2) Named signals for stable HMR
  const [count, setCount] = signal("count", 0);

  // 3) Most importantly: wire reactivity to signals
  // with explicit subscription using the $ token param
  // NB: also makes code easy to reason about and prevents those pesky untrack/sample related errors
  const $doubleCount = wire(($) => count($) * 2);

  return (
    <div id="home">
      <p>Hey, {}</p>
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count() + 1)}>
        Increment / {wire(count)} // or wire(($) => $(count))
      <p>Double count = {$doubleCount}</p>

render(<Page name="John Doe" />, document.body);


This library is at its core inspired by haptic that in particular it also favours manual subscription model instead of automatic subscriptions model. This oblivates the need of sample/untrack found in almost all other reactive libraries.

Also it borrows the nomenclature of aptly named Signal and Wire from haptic.

It's also influenced by Sinuous, Solid, & S.js



export const HomePage = component<{ name: string }>(
  (props, { signal, wire }) => {
    const [count, setCount] = signal("count", 0);
    //.. rest of component
<div id="home">
    onclick={() => {
      setCount(count() + 1);
    Increment to {wire(($) => $(count))}
export const Todos = component("Todos", (props, { signal, wire, store }) => {
  const $todos = store("todos", {
    items: [{ task: "Do Something" }, { task: "Do Something else" }],
  return (
        renderItem={(cursor) => {
          return <li>{cursor().task}</li>;
export const RouterContext = defineContext<RouterObject>("RouterObject");
const BrowserRouter = component("Router", (props, { setContext, signal }) => {
    signal("router", createRouter(window.history, window.location))
  return props.children;
const Link = component("Link", (props: any, { signal, wire, getContext }) => {
  const router = getContext(RouterContext);
  //... rest of component
export const Prosemirror = component("Prosemirror", (props, { onMount }) => {
  onMount(() => {
    console.log("component mounted");
  // ...
export const Prosemirror = component("Prosemirror", (props, { onUnmount }) => {
  onUnmount(() => {
    console.log("component unmounted");
  // ...

Helper Components

  condition={($) => count($) > 5}
    true: () => {
      return <div key="true">"TRUE"</div>;
    false: () => {
      return <div key="false">"FALSE"</div>;
  renderItem={(cursor) => {
    return <li>{wire(cursor().task)}</li>;
export const PortalExample = component("PortalExample", (props, utils) => {
  const [active, setActive] = utils.signal("active", false);
  return (
        onClick={(e) => {
        toggle modal
        condition={($) => active($)}
          true: () => {
            return (
              <Portal mount={document.body}>
                <div style="position: fixed; max-width: 400px; max-height: 50vh; background: white; padding: 7px; width: 100%; border: 1px solid #000;top: 0;">
          false: () => {
            return "";


/** @jsx h **/
import { h, render } from "alfama";
import { Layout } from "./index";

const renderApp = ({ Layout }: { Layout: typeof Layout }) =>
  render(<Layout />, document.getElementById("app")!);

window.addEventListener("load", () => renderApp({ Layout }));

if ( {"./index", (newModule) => {
    if (newModule) renderApp(newModule as unknown as { Layout: typeof Layout });
/** @jsx h **/

export const Prosemirror = component("Prosemirror", (props, { onUnmount }) => {
  let container: Element | undefined = undefined;
  let prosemirror: EditorView | undefined = undefined;
  onUnmount(() => {
    if (prosemirror) {
  return (
    height: 100%;    position: absolute; width: 100%;"
      ref={(el) => {
        container = el;
        if (container) {
          prosemirror = setupProsemirror(container);
/** @jsx h **/
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: `<!-- any HTML you want -->` }} />



These are reactive read/write variables who notify subscribers when they've been written to. They act as dispatchers in the reactive system.

const [count, setCount] = signal("count", 0);

count(); // Passive read (read-pass)
setCount(1); // Write

// also possible to use get/set on signal instead of tuples
const $count = signal("count", 0);

The subscribers to signals are wires, which will be introduced later. They subscribe by read-subscribing the signal.


Stores are for storing nested arrays/objects and also act as dispatchers in the reactive system. And like signals, stores can also be read subsribed by wires. Outside of wires, they can be read via reify function. Writes can be done via produce function immer style.

const val = { name: "Jane", friends: [{ id: "1", name: "John" }] };
const $profile = store("profile", val);

// Passive read (read-pass)
const friends = reify($profile.friends);
// Write
produce($profile.friends, (friends) => {
  friends.push({ id: "2", name: "John Doe 2" });


These are task runners who subscribe to signals/stores and react to writes. They hold a function (the task) and manage its subscriptions, nested wires, run count, and other metadata. The wire provides a $ token to the function call that, at your discretion as the developer, can use to read-subscribe to signals.

wire(($) => {
  // Explicitly subscribe to count signal getter using the subtoken "$"
  const countValue = $(count);

  // also possible to subscribe to a stores using "$" subtoken
  const friendsCount = $($profile.friends);
  return countValue + friendsCount;