
Simple, powerful and scalable chat backend in Go

MIT License


Chatyx Backend

📖 Description

Chatyx backend is an MVP monolith message service implemented in Go. The project will evolve towards a microservice architecture. The target design is described in this page.

🚀 Features

Already done:

  • ✅ Support groups and dialogs
  • ✅ Support for sending text messages both via REST and Websocket
  • ✅ Add and remove participants for group chats
  • ✅ Participants can leave from group chats
  • ✅ Block partners in dialogs

Not done yet:

  • ❌ Support uploading images
  • ❌ View unread messages
  • ❌ Show online/offline statuses of users, as well as when the user was last online
  • ❌ Notifications if user isn't online
  • ❌ Support cross-device synchronization

🔧 Installation

Using single docker container

docker run --rm --volume=$(PWD)/configs:/chatyx-backend/configs \
  --publish=8080:8080 --publish=8081:8081 --detach \
  --name=chatyx-backend mortalis/chatyx-backend:latest

# Apply migrations
docker exec chatyx-backend ./migrate -path=./db/migrations/ -database 'postgres://<POSTGRES_USER>:<POSTGRES_PASSWORD>@<POSTGRES_HOST>:<POSTGRES_PORT>/<POSTGRES_DB>?sslmode=disable' up

Manually building from source code

git clone [email protected]:Chatyx/backend.git chatyx-backend && cd chatyx-backend
make build

# Apply migrations
./bin/migrate -path=./db/migrations/ -database 'postgres://<POSTGRES_USER>:<POSTGRES_PASSWORD>@<POSTGRES_HOST>:<POSTGRES_PORT>/<POSTGRES_DB>?sslmode=disable' up

# Run the application
./build/chatyx-backend --config=<PATH_TO_THE_CONFIG>

⚙️ Configuration

Basic configuration defined as a single YAML file:

You can configure part of parameters with environment variables like these: POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASSWORD, etc. The full list of supported environment variables are described in a config file after comment prefix # env: .

To run the application with substituted config you should perform:

$ ./chatyx-backend --config=<PATH_TO_THE_CONFIG>

📈 How to use

After running the application you can use REST API for creating groups and dialogs, adding participants sending messages and so on. See swagger documentation http://localhost:8080/swagger for more details.

Also, available to you WebSocket API for sending and receiving messages in the real time. (by default at ws://localhost:8081). For getting that you should generate code for your language from proto file and use MessageCreate to send messages and Message to receive message.

See documentation for more details.