
⚙️ A Go-based API boilerplate for speeding up future projects.

MIT License


Go-API Boilerplate: A Golang-based API Boilerplate

Welcome to Go-API Boilerplate.

Golang is a highly flexible and straightforward language, providing an exceptional environment for implementing customized APIs. We offer a basic boilerplate with a pre-implemented structure to assist and speed up future developments. Additionally, we already ship it within Docker containers, as well as an authentication system based on JWT, Redis, and MongoDB. Please, follow along the next sections in order to have a better glimpse of this exciting project.

Go-API Boilerplate is compatible with: Go 1.14+.

Package guidelines

  1. The very first information you need is in the very next section.
  2. Installing is also easy if you wish to read the code and bump yourself into, follow along.
  3. Note that there might be some additional steps in order to use our solutions.
  4. If there is a problem, please do not hesitate. Call us.

Getting started: 60 seconds with Go-API Boilerplate

First of all. The code is all commented. Yes, it is commented. Just browse to any file, chose your subpackage, and follow it. We have high-level code for most tasks we could think.

Alternatively, if you wish to learn even more, please take a minute:

Go-API Boilerplate is based on the following structure, and you should pay attention to its tree:

- go_api_boilerplate
    - docker-compose-prod.yml
    - docker-compose.yml
    - Dockerfile
    - Dockerfile.prod
    - .env.example
    - requests.json
    - src
        - controllers
        - database
        - middleware
        - models
        - server
        - utils
        - api.go
        - go.mod
        - go.sum
        - reflex.conf

Docker-based Files

Docker-based files, such as Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml, provides a straightforward way to start a container and use the application just out-of-the-box.

Environment File

In order to provide a more customizable environment, we ship a .env.example file, which should be modified and copied to a .env file in order to boot the system.


We provide a collection of Postman's requests, which contains all the possible requests that the API is capable of invoking.


Known as src, this is where all the magic happens. Follow along the next items to understand what is happening here.


Every common-knowledge route should be handled by a controller. This module offers an easy way to implement customized routes and operations.


Data should be stored somewhere, right? This module offers methods that allow one to access and use our provided database applications, such as MongoDB and Redis.


Before resolving any request, one might need to perform some pre-request operations, correct? The middleware provides methods that are invocable before the request processing, such as authorizing a known user.


When dealing with data, one might need to define how it is structured and which type of information it should encode. The models package is the perfect place to define how your system's information should look.


Starting from zero might burden the development, don't you think? We are based-off the Gin framework, and in an attempt to ease the developer's life, we opted to provide the server module, which holds all server-related functions, such as initializing the server itself and the router.


Common-based implementations should be available throughout the application and never re-implemented every time they need to be used, correct? We provide a utils package, where conventional scope methods are available to the whole application.


This is the application entry point component. Only modify it if you know what you are doing.


Golang now provides a better alternative to download and install required packages, such as NPM's package.json.


Golang also provides a hash containing all the pre-installed modules needed by the application.


One new development tool concerns the hot-reloading, where developers do not need to restart the application to update their changes. Thus, we opted to use the reflex package in order to check which files have been modified and re-compile the application.


We believe that everything has to be easy. Not tricky or daunting, Go-API Boilerplate will be the one-to-go package that you will need, from the very first installation to the daily-tasks implementing needs.


To ease one needs in a development environment, we ship this package in a Docker container. Make sure that docker and docker-compose are installed and accessible from the command line.

Make sure that you have adjusted your environment variable needs in the .env.example file and have copied it into a .env file before attempting to build and launch the container.

Finally, you can build the container by using:

docker-compose build

After the build process is finished, you can run the container in detached mode:

docker-compose up -d

If you ever need to perform maintenance or update the repository, please put the container down (ensure to use -v; otherwise it will not replace the build):

docker-compose down


To ease your needs in a production environment, we also ship this package in a Docker container. Make sure that docker and docker-compose are installed and accessible from the command line, and that your Dockerfile.prod and dockerfile-prod.yml are the Docker's entry points.

Additionally, make sure that you have adjusted your environment variable needs in the .env.example file and have copied it into a .env file before attempting to build and launch the container.

Finally, you can build the container by using:

docker-compose build

After the build process is finished, you can run the container in detached mode:

docker-compose up -d

If you ever need to perform maintenance or update the repository, please put the container down (ensure to use -v; otherwise it will not replace the build):

docker-compose down

Environment configuration

Note that sometimes, there is a need for additional implementation. If needed, from here, you will be the one to know all of its details.


No specific additional commands needed.


No specific additional commands needed.


No specific additional commands needed.


We know that we do our best, but it is inevitable to acknowledge that we make mistakes. If you ever need to report a bug, report a problem, talk to us, please do so! We will be available at our bests at this repository.