
The Social Book is a Social Media Website designed using Full Stack Web Development through Back-End Technology of MEN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS), RedisDB, GulpJS & Passport Auths. Users are able to create, share the posts and connect with each other across the platform. This website is completely Responsive across all the Devices.



The Social Book is a Social Media Website designed using Full Stack Web Development through Back-End Technology of MEN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS), RedisDB, GulpJS & Passport Auths. Users are able to create, share the posts and connect with each other across the platform. This website is completely Responsive across all the Devices.

  • Users are able to login through social & manual login. They can also reset their passwords using 'Forgot Password'.
  • Users can check the 'About Us' & 'Contact Us' Sections.
  • Users receive emails for resetting password links, for creating post-comments, profile updation, account creation, receiving comments.
  • Users can chat with other users. Users get notified when they receive a new message & also when the other friend is online.
  • Users can like both posts - comments & can create the posts and comments.
  • Users can post images and videos as well.
  • Users can search for other users as well.
  • Users can update their profiles.
  • Users can add other users as friends.
  • JWT functionality is also present in the code but is not used.


  • 'master' branch contains the code for the Heroku Deployment.
  • 'Development' branch contains the code for the localhost development version.
  • 'AWS_Deployment' branch contains the code for the AWS Deployment.

Getting Started With The Project

  • Fork the Project in your Repository.
  • Clone the Forked Repository in your Local System.
  • Install & Configure - NodeJS, MongoDB, Robo3T, POSTMAN, WSL & Redis Server
  • Create '.env' file & Set the Environment Variables in it, as per the 'ENV_FORMAT.json' file.
  • Run 'npm install' in GitBash Terminal
  • Go to 'package.json' & inside the 'SCRIPTS', find "start":"...."
    Change it to - "start": "nodemon index.js",
  • If you want to run the project in development mode locally then go to '.env' file & set,
  • If you want to run the project in production mode locally then go to '.env' file & set,
  • Run 'redis-server' in WSL Terminal
  • Run 'npm start' in GitBash Terminal
  • Enjoy :)

For any issues related to the project, raise an ISSUE in the respective Repository.

Tools Used

  • Library:
    • connect-flash
    • connect-mongo
    • cookie-parser
    • cors
    • crypto
    • del
    • dotenv
    • ejs
    • express
    • express-ejs-layouts
    • express-session
    • express-validator
    • gulp
    • gulp-cssnano
    • gulp-imagemin
    • gulp-rev
    • gulp-sass
    • gulp-uglify-es
    • jsonwebtoken
    • kue
    • mongoose
    • morgan
    • multer
    • node-sass-middleware
    • nodemailer
    • nodemon
    • noty
    • passport
    • passport-facebook
    • passport-jwt
    • passport-google-oauth
    • passport-local
    • rotating-file-stream
    • validator
  • Framework: ExpressJS
  • Database: MongoDB, RedisDB
  • Version Control System: Git
  • VCS Hosting: GitHub
  • Programming / Scripting: JavaScript
  • Front-End: HTML, CSS, EJS
  • Runtime Environment: NodeJS
  • Integrated Development Environment: VSCode


Checkout the Website Web Application

Checkout the Application Demo Video YouTube


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I hope you like the project. Thanks for reading :)