
This is a web app built on an API. It displays real-time data of confirmed covid cases across selected countries. On navigating to a country, an additional breakdown of cases for that country is displayed across its different regions.


Covid Figures

Covid Figures is a web application that displays real-time data of confirmed covid cases across selected countries. When a user navigates to a country, additional breakdown of cases for that country is displayed across its different regions

Built With

  • React

Demo Link

The live version of the app can be found here

Getting Started


To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

  • Click the green Code button on the repo
  • In your local PC, open your terminal in the folder you would like to clone the project.
  • Clone the repo with the command: git clone (copied link); like so: git clone
  • On the terminal, navigate into the directory like so: cd covid-figures
  • Checkout to branch name like so: git checkout [branch name]
  • Run npm i or yarn to install the dependencies
  • Run npm start or yarn start to start the application


Teddy-Livingstone Ememandu


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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