

Project management Frontend

All Task

  • Project setup
    • install dependencies
    • configure folder structure
    • configure react-router-dom
    • configure redux-toolkit
    • configure axios and interceptors
    • configure proxy
    • Install component library (material/ui)
    • Feature
      • Auth

        • Login
        • signup
        • create auth slice
        • create auth thunk
        • create auth service
        • subscribe auth using firebase
        • Logout
          • Profile view
          • Profile update
      • Project

        • Show all projects
        • show single project details
        • add new project
        • update project
        • delete project
      • Task

        • Task Structure
        • Add task to the project
        • update task
        • delete task
      • deploy on any cloud

        • update backend url in the vite.config.js (target)
        • add all env variables while deploying

Actual Requirement

Task: Create a simple project management tool using the React, Firebase and NodeJS.


  • Frontend (React):
    • A dashboard to list all projects.
    • A form to create a new project with fields for the project name, description, and
    • A detailed view to update the project status and .
    • add tasks to the project
    • Use state management (Context API or Redux) to manage the application state.
  • Backend (Express.js and Node.js):
    • An API endpoint to fetch all projects.
    • An API endpoint to fetch a single project by ID.
    • An API endpoint to create a new project.
    • An API endpoint to update a project and.
    • add tasks
  • Database (Firebase)
    • Use email signin/signup
    • Use cloud firestore
  • Deployment:
    • Deploy the frontend on Vercel or Netlify.
    • Deploy the backend on Heroku, AWS, or any cloud provider.
    • Provide a link to the GitHub repository containing the code.

click here to see live demo