
My own starter kit for making a React/Redux web application

MIT License


DEPRECATED - react-redux-es2015-starter-kit

[Obviously given its age, this project is no longer actively maintained]

My own starter kit for making a React/Redux web application using Webpack and ES2015. Feel free to fork this repo to start your own project.

NOTE: as this has been written in 2016, I wish you consider newer options. I'm just keeping the repo for the record.


  • Written in ECMAScript 2015, transpiled by Babel 6.
  • Compiled using Webpack for both server and client-side code.
  • Generating sourcemaps for backend & client code during development.
  • Using my own cluster management library cluster-respawn.
  • React with server side rendering on expressjs backend.
  • React-router for isomorphic routing.
  • Redux Flux with atomic immutable.js app state.
  • Hot reloading of client modules and reducers using React-Hot-Loader.
  • Shared cluster configuration managed by Shared-Store.
  • Bootstrap integration for styling.
  • Eslint integration.
  • Server auto restart, or restart-on-demand using "make reload".

Quick Start

This starter kit has been optimized for Node 4.x and NPM 3.x. Of course, you can run it with Node 5.x.

git clone
cd react-redux-es2015-starter-kit
make setup
make dev

Open it in your browser http://localhost:3000.

File Structure

My proposed app structure as following:

 ├──app/                       * project files
 │   ├──components/            * some React components as example
 │   │
 │   ├──core/                  * default app behavior
 │   │   ├──bootstrap.js       * master & workers processes initialization script
 │   │   └──frontend/          * client-side bootstrap code & main CSS
 │   │
 │   ├──modules/               * proposed folder for app modules
 │       └──todoList/              * our infamous todo example using Redux
 ├──build/                     * webpack build for backend code (optimized for Node 4.x)
 ├──config/                    * configuration files
 ├──public/                    * static files served by Express
 ├──tasks/                     * Gulp tasks for building project and starting server
 ├──tmp/                       * Temperary copy of the shared configuration
 ├──index.js                   * Node start script
 ├──Makefile                   * For managing server lifecycle using make commands
 ├──                 * Master PID file (when server is started)
 ├──               * Workers PID file (when server is started)
 └──package.json               * npm configuration