
  • Language

    • TypeScript 3.9.5
    • JSX
  • Frontend framework

    • React 16.12.0
  • State management

    • Redux 4.0.5
    • react-redux 7.1.3
    • immer 7.0.9
    • reselect 4.0.0
    • normalizr 3.6.0
    • redux-saga 1.1.3
    • re-ducks
  • Frontend routing

    • react-router 5.2.0
  • UI components

    • Material-UI 4.9.2
    • Material-UI Pickers 3.2.10
      • moment 2.24.0
    • react-hook-form 6.8.4
    • Ajv 6.12.5
    • Atomic Design
  • Style system

    • styled-components 5.0.1
  • HTTP client

    • axios 0.19.2
  • Formatter, Linter

    • Prettier 2.0.2
    • ESLint 6.8.0
    • eslint-config-airbnb 18.0.1
    • stylelint 13.2.0
  • Test

    • Jest 25.1.0
    • react-testing-library 9.4.1
    • axios-mock-adapter 1.17.0
  • Module bundler

    • webpack 4.41.6
  • npm scripts:

    • npm start: Start the dev server with mock data.
    • npm run build: Build the app.
    • npm test: Run unit tests.
    • npm run cov: Run unit tests and show test coverage.
    • npm run lint: Lint code.
    • npm run format: Format code.