
Wrapper for mitmproxy with robotframework

MIT License


Robot Framework MITM Library


Keyword documentation


The Robot Framework MITM Library is a custom library for Robot Framework that enables integration with the Python package mitm. This library allows you to automate and test scenarios involving Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) proxy functionality within your Robot Framework test suites.

If you need help, have suggestions or want to discuss anything, feel free to contact through the slack channel.


  • Interact with MITM proxy using Robot Framework keywords.
  • Manipulate network traffic for testing purposes.
  • Easily simulate different network conditions and responses.
  • Integrate MITM proxy capabilities into your existing Robot Framework tests.


  1. Install Robot Framework (if not already installed):
  2. Install mitm library using pip:
pip install robotframework-mitmlibrary


  1. Import the MITM Library in your Robot Framework test suite:
*** Settings ***
Library       MitmLibrary
  1. Use the available keywords to interact with the MITM proxy and manipulate network traffic as needed:
*** Settings ***
Library       MitmLibrary

*** Test Cases ***
Block and Delay Websites
    Start Mitm Proxy

    # Block requests to Robot Framework website
    Add To Blocklist

    # Delay requests to Google
    Add Response Delay  GoogleDelay  5  # Delay for 5 seconds

    # Perform tests that involve network traffic manipulation
    # ...

    Stop Mitm Proxy

Why use Mitm?

Mitm allows manipulation on single browser instance, by using a proxy. It does not require you to set up stubs or mocks that might influence the entire application at once, also resulting in stubbed/mocked behaviour while manual testing.

Examples where Mitm is useful:

  • When running in parallel, if you do not want your other instances to be influenced.
  • Manipulate the response of a request to see how the front end handles it
  • When stubs or mocks are not available or their behaviour is not sufficient for your testing needs.
  • When you want to have full control as tester, without dependency on a developer

Mitm Certificates

To test with SSL verification, or use a browser without ignoring certificates, you will need to set up the certificates related to mitm. Follow the guide on the Mitm website


For detailed information on the available keywords and usage examples, please refer to the Keyword Documentation


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues, have suggestions for improvements, or would like to add new features, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Note: This project is not officially affiliated with or endorsed by the mitmproxy project or robotframework.

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