
Email template for Robot Framework test results


Jenkins-robot-email-ext-template alt text

Use in Jenkins

There are two ways to use this in Jenkins.

  1. First way:
    a. Have your Jenkins administrator place the script inside $JENKINS_HOME/email-templates.
    b. Use the SCRIPT token with the template parameter equal to your script filename without the .groovy extension. For example, if the script filename is email-template.groovy, the email content would look like this ${SCRIPT,template="email-template"}.
  2. a. Using the Config File Provider Plugin, upload a groovy Extended Email Publisher Groovy Template
    b. Use the SCRIPT token with the template parameter equal to your script filename without the .groovy extension and with managed: in front. For example, if the script filename is email-template.groovy, the email content would look like this ${SCRIPT,template="managed:email-template"}.

Either way, outputFileName, logFileName, reportFileName should all be the default of "output.xml", "report.html" and "log.html" in the jenkins "Publish Robot Framework test result" section or pipeline step.

Note: While copying template, use raw file, otherwise may contain escape string.

Email Template provides the below information.

1. Build Details
	- Build URL
	- Project URL
	- Build Name
	- Date of Job
	- Job Duration
	- Submitted by 
2. Test Summary

3. Statistics by Suite
	This table contains below details.
		- (Name) Test suite name
		- (Failed tests) Number of Failed test cases in the suite
		- (Passed tests) Number of Passed test cases in the suite
		- (Duration) Suite execution time.
4. Links to below.
	- Detailed Results.
	- Report
	- Log
	- Console output
5. Test Trend(all tests)
	- Test Result Trend Image(Refer:
	- Duration Trend Image(Refer:

6. Test Execution Results
	- Test Name
	- Status
	- Message
	- Execution time
	- Duration