
A clean architecture style Sample using Rust's Rocket, sqlx and PostgreSQL.

MIT License



A clean architecture style Sample using Rust's Rocket(v0.5), sqlx(v0.6) and PostgreSQL.

How to Use

git clone
cd rust-rocket-sqlx-sample
docker-compose up -d
cp .env.example .env
cargo test
cargo run


  • Tests for controller, use_case, and repository are created using mockall.
  • In the repository integration tests, transactions are created and rolled back in each function, enabling parallel execution of tests.
  • In the repository, DbRepoError is returned and converted to AppError in use_case. AppError corresponds to Rocket's responder, so it can be used as a response as is.
  • When an error occurs in the repository, an error log is output. Error log output uses tracing, and outputs the circumstances leading up to the log, file path, and line number. Also, the values of each function's arguments can be logged.
  • When logging, the conversion from sqlx::Error etc. to DbRepoError is also performed, so the dedicated macro log_into! is used.
  • AppError also has error creation macros like anyhow, app_err!, app_err_bail!, app_err_ensure!.

Error Log Output

By using the features of tracing and adding the instrument attribute to the function you want to output, the function will be output in the course of error occurrence. The arguments of the function can also be output. To prevent important information from leaking into the log, we generally use skip_all to hide all arguments and explicitly display the arguments you want to show. Also, by using the log_into! macro, the file name and line number of the error occurrence are also output.

#[instrument(name = "user_repo/update", skip_all, fields(id = %id))]

Example of Error Log Output

2023-12-05T07:43:24.644738Z ERROR user_controller/update{id=12}:user_use_case/update{id=12}:user_repo/update{id=12}: rust_rocket_sqlx_sample::repositories::user_repo: [DbRepoError::SqlxError] no rows returned by a query that expected to return at least one row (src/repositories/