
Projeto desenvolvido na Semana Omnistack 11ªed.: Rocketseat



  1. When the user is logged in and accesses the login, he will be redirected to profile again
  2. If the user is not logged in and accesses the ‘profile’ route he will be redirected to the home screen
  3. Send Email to the NGO with the authentication ID after registering the same
  4. Fixed id bug fixed (previously it was possible to generate two identical ids)
  5. Dark Theme and Light Theme, both on the Web and Mobile
  6. Responsive frontend
  7. Custom alerts

💻 Languages

  • Javascript
  • NodeJS
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SQL

📚 Technologies

  • Backend

    • celebrate: ^12.0.1
    • cors: ^2.8.5
    • cross-env: ^7.0.2
    • dotenv: ^8.2.0
    • express: ^4.17.1
    • knex: ^0.20.13
    • nodemailer: ^6.4.6
    • nodemailer-express-handlebars: ^4.0.0
    • nodemon: ^2.0.2
    • sqlite3: ^4.1.1
  • Web

    • @testing-library/jest-dom: ^4.2.4
    • @testing-library/react: ^9.3.2
    • @testing-library/user-event: ^7.1.2
    • axios: ^0.19.2
    • polished: ^3.5.1
    • react: ^16.13.1
    • react-dom: ^16.13.1
    • react-icons: ^3.9.0
    • react-router-dom: ^5.1.2
    • react-scripts: 3.4.1",
    • react-toastify: ^5.5.0
    • styled-components: ^5.0.1
  • Mobile

    • React navigation

      • @react-native-community/masked-view: 0.1.5
      • @react-navigation/drawer: ^5.3.4
      • @react-navigation/native: ^5.1.3
      • @react-navigation/stack: ^5.2.6
    • axios: ^0.19.2
    • expo: ~36.0.0
    • expo-constants: ~8.0.0
    • expo-mail-composer: ~8.0.0
    • intl: ^1.2.5
    • styled-components: ^5.0.1

📝 License

This project is under MIT. See at here LICENSE for more informations.

Made by 💙 by Carlos Miguel

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