
`its` for RSpec 3 extracted from rspec-core 2.x

MIT License


RSpec::Its Build Status

RSpec::Its provides the its method as a short-hand to specify the expected value of an attribute.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rspec-its'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rspec-its

And require it as:

require 'rspec/its'


Use the its method to generate a nested example group with a single example that specifies the expected value of an attribute of the subject using should, should_not or is_expected. The its method can also specify the block expectations of an attribute of the subject using will or will_not.

its accepts a symbol or a string, and a block representing the example.

its(:size)    { should eq(1) }
its("length") { should eq(1) }

You can use a string with dots to specify a nested attribute (i.e. an attribute of the attribute of the subject).

its("phone_numbers.size") { should_not eq(0) }

The following expect-style method is also available:

its(:size) { eq(1) }

as is this alias for pluralized use:

its(:keys) { eq([:key1, :key2]) }

The following block expect-style method is also available:

its(:size) { will_not raise_error }

as is this alias for pluralized use:

its(:keys) { will raise_error(NoMethodError) }

When the subject implements the [] operator, you can pass in an array with a single key to refer to the value returned by that operator when passed that key as an argument.

its([:key]) { eq(value) }

For hashes, multiple keys within the array will result in successive accesses into the hash. For example:

subject { {key1: {key2: 3} } }
its([:key1, :key2]) { eq(3) }

For other objects, multiple keys within the array will be passed as separate arguments in a single method call to [], as in:

subject { Matrix[ [:a, :b], [:c, :d] ] }
its([1,1]) { should eq(:d) }

Metadata arguments are supported.

its(:size, focus: true) { should eq(1) }


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