
4chan Discord Bot written in Ruby

MIT License


What is 4chan?

From 4chan.org's landing page:

"4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards dedicated to a variety of topics, from Japanese animation and culture to videogames, music, and photography. Users do not need to register an account before participating in the community. Feel free to click on a board below that interests you and jump right in!

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Rules before posting, and read the FAQ if you wish to learn more about how to use the site."

What is 4discord/4cord?

Formerly 4discord, now just 4cord. Browse 4chan from the comfort of your Discord server, pull from any of its boards and explore what the anonymous internet has to say using simple slash commands on your text channels of choice.

Set up

  1. Invite 4discord to your Discord server using
    this invite link!
  2. On your Discord server, you may configure the bot at Server Settings Integrations.
  3. Make sure the channel where you want to use the bot at is marked as NSFW (Age Restricted Channel).
  4. All set! Now you should be able to use the bot on the channels you have defined.


The bot uses slash commands as of its rewrite. Make sure to select the commands you want to execute and then provide the arguments as Discord requests them via visual queues (use the Tab key to auto-complete).

The following list contains all available commands:

  • /chan [board]: Pull a random post from a 4chan board. Not providing a board will randomly pull from /o/!
  • /chans [page]: Display available 4chan boards.
  • /4help: Display general help for the bot.


Instructions on how to set the bot up internally, and on how to run it for development/testing purposes.


  • Ruby 2.7.3
    • OS X: RVM is recommended over the default OS X Ruby. Here's a one-liner:
      \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby
  • Ensure bundler is installed: gem install bundle
  • From the project's root, run bundle install to download and install dependencies.


Data Collection

4discord is proud to collect NO data. With the migration to slash commands and other features introduced by Discord over time, there is no longer a need to store server IDs, channel IDs, or channel names like the bot used to do in the past.


This bot started as a small, fun project to approach, inspired by another 4chan bot. In the end I decided to carry on and keep adding features and fixing bugs, due to the massive support I received from friends and other people who enjoy reading 4chan content!

As of October, 2022 the bot has been rewritten to support the newly introduced slash commands, and to comply with the new limitations imposed by Discord such as Message Content being now a privileged intent. The old repository has been archived and made private. All further development will be conducted in this repository instead.


Any contributors to 4discord's codebase are not responsible for anything you may pull from 4chan.org using the 4discord bot. This bot is provided as a free resource open for anybody to use, therefore it is every server owner's responsibility to moderate what the bot may pull from the site and post on their text channels.