
template repository for automated deployment with `ansible`

ISC License



This is a template repository for automated deployment with ansile. The template includes:

  • A virtualbox environment for testing
  • A prod environment for production
  • ansible playbook to deploy basic tools, such as vim, zsh, etc
  • A set of tests with serverspec
  • A Rakefile that simplifies provision


Requirements on Local machine

  • Unix machine
  • ruby
  • bundler
  • ansible
  • vagrant
  • VirtualBox

Requirements on target machine

  • One of FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Ubuntu, and CentOS
  • Configured network interface
  • Configured sshd
  • A Unix account that can run sudo(1) as root
  • python


The project provides two environments. One for development and tests, and another for production system.

virtualbox environment is used for development, where virtualbox VM is launched and provisioned.

prod is for production system. It can be VMs on cloud service, or a physical machine.




Clone the repository.

git clone
cd ansible-project-openhab

Setup bundler.

bundle install --path=~/.vendor/bundle

Replace ~/.vendor/bundle with your directory to install gems.

The project is managed by a Rakefile. It provides targets to launch virtual machines, provision them, and test the configured system.

Launch the VM.

bundle exec rake up

Provision the VM.

bundle exec rake provision

Test the system.

bundle exec rake test:serverspec:all

Login to the system (only for virtualbox environment).

vagrant ssh

Destroy the VM.

bundle exec rake clean

Environment variables

HTTP proxy

The Rakefile supports proxy on local machine. It assumes that the proxy is running on local machine, listening on port 8080. If it detects the port is open, then, automatically set necessary proxy setting during the deployment, which makes the process faster. Any HTTP proxy application works. Here I use polipo.

polipo logFile= daemonise=false diskCacheRoot=~/tmp/cache allowedClients='' proxyAddress='' logSyslog=false logLevel=0xff proxyPort=8080 relaxTransparency=true

If you use other application on that port, VAGRANT_HTTP_PROXY_PORT environment variable can be defined to override port 8080. Replace ~/tmp/cache with your cache directory.

Switching environment

ANSIBLE_ENVIRONMENT is an environment variable to switch the target environment. If not defined, virtualbox, where you develop the system, is assumed. Another environment is prod, which is the live production system.

To deploy to prod, run:

ANSIBLE_ENVIRONMENT=prod bundle exec rake provision

User to deploy

By default, user vagrant for virtualbox environment, and the Unix account on the local machine, is used as ssh account. To override it, use ANSIBLE_USER environment variable.


To decrypt password protected files by ansible-vault, the Rakefile use ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE environment variable. It should be path to ansible-vault password file on local machine.

User to run specs

To test the system in prod environment, SUDO_PASSWORD environment variable must be set, which is used to run specs on the target machine. Your local Unix account (or ANSIBLE_USER account) must be able to run sudo(1) on the target machine.