
Adds the 'Actions' concept to your Rails APP to help you Test & Reuse Business Logic

MIT License



Tiny on code, heavy on concept. ApplicationAction is an opiniated concept extend of the Ruby on Rails framework.

ApplicationAction is an useful Action pattern I found myself following for many years among many Rails projects so I hope its usefull for you too. It mimics ApplicationRecord's interface to the Actions your applications execute. Its easy to extent, test, compose and reuse.

This is the code. All of it:

class ApplicationAction
  include ActiveModel::Model

  def save
    return false unless valid?

    ApplicationRecord.transaction { run }

    return true

  def save!
    raise errors.full_messages.join(', ') unless save

  def run
    raise 'You should write your own #run method'


Add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'application_action'

And then execute:

$ bundle



class SomeAction < ApplicationAction
  attr_accessor :foo, :bar

  # write what you need to validate before run the action
  validates :foo, :bar, presence: true
  validate :foo_is_complete, :bar_is_available

  def run
    # what the action should do when its valid


  # the validations
  def foo_is_complete
    errors.add(:foo, :not_complete) unless foo.complete?

  def bar_is_available
    errors.add(:foo, :not_available) unless bar.available?

Then, whenever suits you, call the action like this:

action = foo, bar: bar)
action.valid?! # raises the validations errors as RuntimeErrors

Having being through all the "fat models, skinny controllers" eras, I find an Action usefull when I have something my application need to do but no model or controller seem like the right place. It's usually some logic involving multiple models and a different set of validations. Its specially usefull when the same Action needs to be called from different entries (e.g. API, WEB Interface, background job, etc).

#run method is atomic so feel free to change multiple database tables using different models .create! or .update! that it will all get rolled back if some exception happens. Be sure you create all the validations you need to ensure your Action will run with no exception. Its easy to handle validations errors and display messages this way.


Think of Actions as one small state transition of your application. It's the representation of what your application does. So everytime an Action run, something changes and there are consequences. Each Action have a well-defined and validated scenario before running.

The business logic should not live in the models

You heard the story before: ActiveRecord already does too much. The database interface, query, validations and relationships are more than enough.

Models should represent an entity stored at the database, a small piece of your entire application state. A single model or record should not handle complex operations, specially involving multiple models.

Models validations should only check what is expected for every record, everytime. Some validations will only be applied in certain moments so these validations lives in an Action. ActiveRecord's validations scope can handle simple scenarios but Actions validations is a better suit for complex logics.

The business logic should not live in controllers

Same here. Controller already handle request params and formats, response codes and authorization. But most important, you should be able to test your business logic without the need of an HTTP request.

Actions are important changes

Actions should have strict validations to make sure everything is ok before running. Actions are atomic, so you must have it completely done, or not done at all. This will help with your database (and the whole app) consistency.

They should be well tested and you should be able to test every scenario without an integration test. You can unit test every Action validation and every change it makes when it runs.

A Practical Example

Uber-like Logic

Consider an Uber-like app, where passengers request for trips and the nearest available driver is found. The driver can refuse the request, so the next driver should be requested. Driver also have a 1 minute timeout to respond the request, otherwise it expires and the next driver is called. You can have some DRY Actions like these:

  1. Request Trip Action:
class RequestTrip < ApplicationAction
  attr_accessor :passenger, :pickup_address, :destination_address

  validate :passenger_is_not_blocked
  validate :passenger_is_not_in_debt

  def run
      passenger: passenger,
      pickup_address: pickup_address,
      destination_address: destination_address,
      requested_at: Time.current,
      driver: nil,
      accepted: false
    ) trip).save!


  def passenger_is_not_blocked

  def passenger_is_not_in_debt
  1. Find a Trip Driver
class FindTripDriver < ApplicationAction
  attr_accessor :trip

  validate :trip_is_still_a_request
  validates :nearest_driver, :trip, presence: true

  def nearest_driver

  def run
    trip.update!(driver: nearest_driver)
    driver.update!(current_trip: trip)
    invite = TripInvitation.create!(trip: trip, driver: driver) invite).send!

    # rejects automatically after 1 minute
    DriverRejectTripJob.set(wait: 1.minute).perform_later(invite: invite)


  def trip_is_still_a_request
    errors.add(:trip, :already_accepted) if trip.accepted?
  1. Driver Rejects the request
class DriverRejectTrip < ApplicationAction
  attr_accessor :invite

  validates :trip_is_not_already_accepted

  delegate :trip, :driver, to: :invite

  def run
    invite.update!(accepted: false)
    trip.update!(driver: nil)
    driver.update!(current_trip: nil) trip).save! # easy to reuse the action


  def trip_is_not_already_accepted
  • Note how simple it is to test these actions.
  • You can call them at diferent Controllers, from ActiveJobs or GraphQL Mutations
  • Your life at the rails console will be a lot easer having a way to call these business logic directly. No need of api calls or web interface.

Translating error messages

As the Actions includes ActiveModel::Model you can have each action's error message get translated by following this structure:

      find_tripd_river: # <- The action name snake-cased
        driver: Driver
        trip: Trip
        find_tripd_river: # <- The action name snake-cased
              already_accepted: "was already accepted." # <- each error message  translation


The experience of building multiple web applications with Rails, including different environments like 100% web interface apps or API only (both REST & GraphQL) apps, a single product with a legacy monorepo maintained by a big team or multiple quickly built on demand projects, made it clear this commom gap of Rails on where to place some more complex business logic. I covered this gap in many different ways in the past. From Fat Models to Fat Controllers, sometimes as POROs under the lib folder and sometimes with different names (as Services or Runners).

It was after i built some React SPA's and got familiar with the Flux architecture to handle front-end's application state and later getting used to the Redux implementation library that i shamelessly copied the name Action as I found it's was a nice fit for the case of a Rails application as well.

I could translate the Redux's Core Concepts and Principles to a Rails. I can see the database as the entire application state, the single source of truth and one should avoid change the application's state without an Action (specially for big changes). Every Action have an explicit changelist on the state so its easy to track how the state was before running and how the state became after.


bin/rspec spec to run te spec suit and all PRs are welcome.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

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