
Aptly client

MIT License



A command line interface to execute Aptly commands againts remote Aptly API servers. Aptly-cli will allow you to interact with the file, repo, snapshot, publish, packages, graph and version API endpoints of your Aptly server.


Install Gem:

$ gem install aptly_cli


Install and run aptly-cli from Docker:

# Optional: If you don't pull explicitly, `docker run` will do it for you
$ docker pull sepulworld/aptly-cli

$ alias aptly-cli='\
  docker run \
    -v /etc/aptly-cli.conf:/etc/aptly-cli.conf \
    -it --rm --name=aptly-cli \

(Depending on how your system is set up, you might have to add sudo in front of the above docker commands or add your user to the docker group).

If you don't do the docker pull, the first time you run aptly-cli, the docker run command will automatically pull the sepulworld/aptly-cli image on the Docker Hub. Subsequent runs will use a locally cached copy of the image and will not have to download anything.

Create a configuration file with aptly server and port, /etc/aptly-cli.conf (YAML syntax):

:proto: http
:port: 8082
:debug: false

If you use Basic Authentication to protect your API, add username and password:

:username: api-user
:password: api-password

The username and password can also be configured for prompt entry using the following in aptly-cli.conf:

:username: ${PROMPT}
:password: ${PROMPT_PASSWORD}

The tool will prompt for the specified values, where ${PROMPT} results in a regular prompt and ${PROMPT_PASSWORD} results in a password prompt where the input is replaced by asterisks, e.g.:

$ aptly-cli version
  Enter a value for username:
  Enter a value for password:

Another possibility for storing passwords is ${KEYRING}. To use this feature, you must have the keyring gem installed and also have a system that is set up to use one of the backends that the keyring gem supports, such as Mac OS X Keychain or GNOME 2 Keyring (Note: Only Mac OS X Keychain has been tested thus far):

$ gem install keyring

Then you can put something like this in aptly-cli.conf:

:username: zane
:password: ${KEYRING}

The first time you run an aptly-cli command, you will be prompted to enter a password.

$ aptly-cli version
Enter a value for password:

The entered password will be stored in your keyring so that future uses of aptly-cli can get the password from your keyring:

$ aptly-cli version

Also make sure that your config file isn't world readable (chmod o-rw /etc/aptly-cli.conf)

If a configuration file is not found, the defaults in the example configuration file above will be used.

Usage - available aptly-cli commands

The --config (-c) option allows specifying an alternative config file, e.g.:

$ aptly-cli -c ~/.config/aptly-cli/aptly-cli.conf repo_list

The --server, --port, --username, and --password options allow specifying those things on the command-line and not even requiring a config file.

$ aptly-cli --server --port 9000 --username marca --password '${PROMPT_PASSWORD}' repo_list

Note that you can use ${PROMPT}, ${PROMPT_PASSWORD}, and ${KEYRING} in the values of these options, just as you can in a config file. Note that you might have to quote them to prevent the shell from trying to expand them.

$ aptly-cli --help



    Aptly repository API client (https://github.com/sepulworld/aptly_cli)


    file_delete         File delete
    file_list           List all directories
    file_upload         File upload
    graph               Download an svg or png graph of repository layout
    help                Display global or [command] help documentation
    publish_drop        Delete published repository
    publish_list        List published repositories
    publish_repo        Publish local repository or snapshot under specified prefix
    publish_update      Update published repository
    repo_create         Create a new repository, requires --name
    repo_delete         Delete a local repository, requires --name
    repo_edit           Edit a local repository metadata, requires --name
    repo_list           Show list of currently available local repositories
    repo_package_add    Add existing package to local repository
    repo_package_delete Delete package from local repository
    repo_package_query  List all packages or search on repo contents, requires --name
    repo_show           Returns basic information about local repository
    repo_upload         Import packages from files
    snapshot_create     Create snapshot, require --name
    snapshot_delete     Delete snapshot, require --name
    snapshot_diff       Calculate difference between two snapshots
    snapshot_list       Return list of all snapshots created in the system
    snapshot_search     List all packages in snapshot or perform search
    snapshot_show       Get information about snapshot by name
    snapshot_update     Update snapshots description or name
    version             Display aptly server version


    -c, --config FILE
        Path to YAML config file

        Don't try to read YAML config file

    -s, --server SERVER
        Host name or IP address of Aptly API server

    -p, --port PORT
        Port of Aptly API server

    --username USERNAME
        User name or '${PROMPT}'

    --password PASSWORD
        Password or '${PROMPT_PASSWORD}' or '${KEYRING}'

        Enable debug output

    -h, --help
        Display help documentation

    -v, --version
        Display version information

    -t, --trace
        Display backtrace when an error occurs

To see more options for each command

$ aptly-cli <command> --help


Measuring coverage locally

$ rake docker_pull
$ rake docker_run
$ bundle exec rake test
Coverage report generated for Unit Tests to /Users/marca/dev/git-repos/aptly_cli/coverage. 521 / 566 LOC (92.05%) covered.
[Coveralls] Outside the CI environment, not sending data.

$ open coverage/index.html

Rubocop syntax and style check

$ bundle exec rake rubocop
Running RuboCop...
Inspecting 24 files

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.

Ruby Minitest are implemented using a Docker container for functional tests.

Rake tasks available:

rake build                 # Build aptly_cli-<version>.gem into the pkg directory
rake clean                 # Remove any temporary products
rake clobber               # Remove any generated files
rake docker_build          # Docker build image
rake docker_list_aptly     # List Docker Aptly running containers
rake docker_pull           # Pull Docker image to Docker Hub
rake docker_push           # Push Docker image to Docker Hub
rake docker_restart        # Restart Aptly docker container
rake docker_run            # Start Aptly Docker container on port 8082
rake docker_show_logs      # Show running Aptly process Docker stdout logs
rake docker_stop           # Stop running Aptly Docker containers
rake install               # Build and install aptly_cli-<version>.gem into system gems
rake install:local         # Build and install aptly_cli-<version>.gem into system gems without network access
rake rubocop               # Run RuboCop
rake rubocop:auto_correct  # Auto-correct RuboCop offenses
rake test                  # Run tests


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/aptly_cli/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
