
BEM methodology for Rails applications


BEM on Rails

This README also available in russian.

Work with BEM methodology in Rails applications. BEM on Rails is ruby fork of bem-tools. You can read about bem-tools here and BEM methodology here. Also i talk about this gem in russian on YaC 2013, you can watch this here.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'bem-on-rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install bem-on-rails

Then you should run install generator:

$ rails g bemonrails:install

You should restart server after install.


You can create blocks, elements and them modificators on levels. Default folder structure:

  • bem
    • level_name
      • block_name
        • __element_name
          • block-name__element_name.html.haml
          • block-name__element_name.css.sass
        • _mod_name
          • block-name_mod_name.css.sass
        • block_name.html.haml
        • block_name.css.sass

You can read more about folders structure here. Also specify all prefixes for blocks, elements and mods in bem.rb initializer.


Easy block creating look like:

$ thor bem:create -l level-name -b test

Block with mod:

$ thor bem:create -l level-name -b test -m large

Block with pretty mod with value:

$ thor bem:create -l level-name -b test -m color -v red

Create element:

$ thor bem:create -l level-name -b test -e icon

Element with mod:

$ thor bem:create -l level-name -b test -e icon -m large

Element with pretty mod:

$ thor bem:create -l level-name -b test -e icon -m size -v small

Block in special technolody: $ thor bem:create -l level-name -b test -T sass

Element in special tehcnology creates like block. List of know technologies you can see in bem.rb initializer. You can customize it. After block, element or mod creating generator adds to level assets (level_name/.bem/assets) main file (level) require string. Ex:

//= require ../../../../test/__field/test__field.css.sass

You should remember! You are not in any case should not be writing styles and scripts in assets levels and application files. Use them like configuration files, for require only. This involves using Sprockets.


In your view you should write this:

= block "test", mods: [{color: "red"}], content: [{ elem: "icon", elemMods: [{size: "small"}] }]

= block "test", mods: [:super, {color: "red"}], content: []

= block "test", attrs: {src: "/img.png"}, content: []

= block "test", cls: "custom", content: []

= b "test", tag: "article", content: []

Syntax is look like original BEMJSON.


Now templates exists for haml, sass, coffee and md technologies, but you will create your templates in lib/tasks/templates. For example, you can watch haml template:

- haml_tag this[:tag], this[:attrs]
    = content

Or Slim template:

* this[:tag], this[:attrs]
    = content

this and content is BEM helpers for rendering. this is access to default essence propeties, content is access to context properties.

You want more BEM?

More information you can find on official site of BEM



Please, talk about your ideas by GitHub issues.

MIT License