
bytesize-icons as Custom Elements (v1)

MIT License


Custom Elements for Bytesize Icons

This package provides icons from bytesize-icons as a CustomElement. The bytesize-icons package contains a lightweight, reasonable set of nice icons in the SVG format.


$ npm install --save bytesize-icon-elements


    This is search icon: <bytesize-icon name="search"></bytesize-icon>

    And this is a thin book icon: <bytesize-icon name="book" weight="thin"></bytesize-icon>

    And this is a gear icon with sharp edges: <bytesize-icon name="settings" style="miter"></bytesize-icon>

    Icon size is variable because it's SVG.

    This is a big flag icon: <bytesize-icon name="flag" size="64"></bytesize-icon>

    <script src="/path/to/bytesize-icon-elements/index.js"></script>

Loading bytesize-icon-elements/index.js registers the <bytesize-icon> element. You can use it in your HTML directly. If you want to use this package with older browsers, you may need webcomponents.js as polyfill.

The following attributes are supported. The name attribute is mandatory, the others are optional.

Name Description Default
name See the complete list below. It determines the id of the icon symbol.
weight One of ultra-light, thin, light, regular, medium, bold and heavy. It determines stroke-width of the icon. regular
style One of round, bevel and miter. It determines stroke-linejoin and stroke-linecap of the icon. round
size Size (width and height) of the icon (in pixels). 32

Default attribute values can be changed by placing the <bytesize-icon-defaults> element before any <bytesize-icon> occurs on the page:

<bytesize-icon-defaults size="64" style="miter" weight="bold"></bytesize-icon-defaults>

Default attribute values can be changed programmatically as well:

  size: 64,
  style: 'miter',
  weight: 'bold'


$ npm ci
$ npm run gen
$ npm test

All Icons

You can inspect all icons on the bytesize-icons repository page. The following icon names are supported: "activity", "alert", "archive", "arrow-bottom", "arrow-left", "arrow-right", "arrow-top", "backwards", "bag", "ban", "bell", "book", "bookmark", "calendar", "camera", "caret-bottom", "caret-left", "caret-right", "caret-top", "cart", "checkmark", "chevron-bottom", "chevron-left", "chevron-right", "chevron-top", "clipboard", "clock", "close", "code", "compose", "creditcard", "desktop", "download", "edit", "eject", "ellipsis-horizontal", "ellipsis-vertical", "end", "export", "external", "eye", "file", "fire", "flag", "folder", "folder-open", "forwards", "gift", "github", "heart", "home", "import", "inbox", "info", "lightning", "link", "location", "lock", "mail", "menu", "message", "microphone", "minus", "mobile", "move", "music", "mute", "options", "paperclip", "pause", "photo", "play", "plus", "portfolio", "print", "reload", "reply", "search", "send", "settings", "sign-in", "sign-out", "star", "start", "tag", "telephone", "trash", "twitter", "unlock", "upload", "user", "video", "volume", "work".