
[Closed] A lightweight BBS base on RoR and Mongodb

MIT License



A lightweight BBS.

Author: Rei([email protected])


  • Ruby 1.9.2
  • mongodb 1.8.2+
  • redis 2.0+
  • Ruby on Rails 3.0.7

Gems Dependencies see Gemfile.

Getting Started

Assume you have installed mongodb and redis.

1. Download the sources:

git clone git://

cd campo/

2. Install gems

bundle install

3. Configure the application

cp config/campo.example.yml config/campo.yml
cp config/mongoid.example.yml config/mongoid.yml
edit config/campo.yml
edit config/mongoid.yml

4. Setup Data

Make sure mongodb is running.

rake db:seed

5. Start the server

rails s

6. Run resque worker

QUEUE=* rake environment resque:work

For Production Environment

This project is low degree of completion, db schema is changing and not well migration support. not suggest used in production environment. But if you want, there are some notes.

1. Reset secret token (importance for security)

rake secret

Copy the output string and set secret_token column in config/campo.yml

2. Config mongo connection.

edit config/mongoid.yml

Change production params.

For Update

1. Pull source

cd /path/to/your_source
git pull

2. Backup data and run migration.(If you are no first time to setup)

Backup mongo data first.

mongodump -o /path/to/your_want_to_dump_mongo

Run migration.

rake db:migrate

Community is the main website running Campo with develop branch.

Feedback in or github issues(


Copyright (c) 2011 Rei

Release under MIT-LICENSE