
A TUI wrapper around caniuse data using FZF and curses

MIT License


Cani — a tui interface Licence Gem Version Issues

Cani is a small command-line wrapper around the data of caniuse. It uses fzf and curses to display results. This wrapper aims to be easy to use out of the box. To achieve this it ships with completions for bash, fish, and zsh. Caniuse data (1.7MB) is fetched and updated automatically on a regular interval together with completions.

Latest changes

dates are in dd-mm-yyyy format older changes can be found in the changelog

16-09-2019 VERSION 0.5.9

  • Fix glitch where current era border would be drawn incorrectly at certain widths.
  • Do not print an empty era row if none of the visible browsers show anything.

28-07-2019 VERSION 0.5.8

  • Fix line overflow issue when terminal is too small for "widest" display
  • Allow titles to become slightly more compact again

28-07-2019 VERSION 0.5.7

  • Titles shown in cani use may take up to 50 characters if the terminal is wide enough.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cani'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install cani


Cani depends on fzf to display most menu's and Curses for displaying the feature support table.


After installation, running the command (cani) for the first time will create some files and directories:

  • ~/.config/cani/config.yml - default configuration
  • ~/.config/cani/caniuse.json - caniuse api data
  • ~/.config/cani/completions/_cani.bash - bash completion
  • ~/.config/cani/completions/_cani.zsh - zsh completion
  • ~/.config/fish/completions/ - fish completions

Existing shell configuration files will also be modified by default:

  • ~/.bashrc - A source line to bash completions will be added, or updated if it exists
  • ~/.zshrc - A source line to zsh completions will be added, or updated if it exists

This behavior can be permanently disabled at any time by adding the --no-modify option at the end of the cani command. A built-in command is provided to print the completion paths for each shell: cani completion_paths. This allows you to add the path manually.

After running the command for the first time, please restart your shell or source your ~/.*rc file to load completions. There are some commented settings that can be adjusted in the ~/.config/cani/config.yml file.


Running cani without arguments yields the help description. Cani supports the following actions:


cani supports the following command line flags / options:

  • --no-modify - permanently disable automatic addition / deletion of shell config files.
  • --modify - permanently enable automatic addition / deletion of shell config files.


cani use

Show a list of features with fzf. Features are shown with their current W3C status, percentage of support, title and each individual browser's support on a single row.

This command may be invoked with a feature and supports tab completion in bash, zsh and fish:

cani use grid-layout

# or:
# cani use 'grid layout'
# cani use 'gridlayout'

The above command will show the following table:

The table is responsive and will show browsers that fit in available space, everything else wraps accordingly. The current era has a light-black border. Browser versions with less than 0.5% usage aren't shown. At the bottom there is a legend that provides an abbreviated status color overview. Below that, additional notes can be found. Notes are shown based on relevant and visible browsers, all other notes are hidden (this can be changed in the config).

If your display height is <= 40 lines, era's will be displayed in a more compact manner while still allowing space for notes:


cani show

Show a list of browsers. Selecting a browser will take you to the versions for that browser. Selecting a version shows the final window with feature support for that specific browser version. Navigating to the previous window is possible by pressing escape, this will move you up one level. When escape is pressed at the browser selection menu, the command will exit. Selecting a feature using enter will show you the current support table for that feature regardless of selected version.

This command may be invoked with a browser and / or version and supports tab completion in bash, zsh and fish:

# show all versions of chrome
cani show chr

# show all features with support level in chrome 70
cani show chr 70


cani help

Displays short help for the cani command


cani version

Displays the current version e.g: 0.1.0


cani update

Force update dataset and completions.


cani install_completions

Completions are supported for zsh, bash and fish shells (currently). They are automatically installed upon first invocation of the cani command. This command is only a fallback in case there were any issues with permissions etc..


When --no-modify is applied the completion paths are no longer automatically inserted in your shell configuration files. In order to figure out where the files you need to source are located, you can run this command. It will output something like this:

fish: /home/sidofc/.config/fish/completions/
bash: /home/sidofc/.config/cani/completions/_cani.bash
zsh:  /home/sidofc/.config/cani/completions/_cani.zsh

The fish completions are autoloaded and do not need to be sourced manually.


cani purge

Purges all files created by this command, removing every trace except the executable itself. It will also remove source lines added that pointed to the completions in ~/.zshrc and ~/.bashrc (unless --no-modify was supplied at any point in time prior to running purge). After running a purge, all that remains is running gem uninstall cani to completely purge it.


cani edit

Edit the configuration file located at ~/.config/cani/config.yml using $EDITOR env variable.

Pipe output

Last but not least, all cani commands can be piped. This will skip running fzf and print uncolored output.

use (the output of cani use ft-name cannot be piped)

cani use | head -3
[rc]   97.11%   PNG alpha transparency   +chr   +ff   +edge   +ie   +saf   +saf.ios   +op   +and   +bb
[un]   75.85%   Animated PNG (APNG)      +chr   +ff   -edge   -ie   +saf   +saf.ios   +op   -and   -bb
[ls]   94.32%   Video element            +chr   +ff   +edge   +ie   +saf   +saf.ios   +op   +and   +bb


cani show | head -3
ie                       usage: 3.1899%
edge                     usage: 1.8262%
firefox                  usage: 5.0480%


cani show firefox | head -3
63    usage: 0.0000%
62    usage: 0.0131%
61    usage: 0.2184%


cani show firefox 63 | head -3
[rc]   [+]   PNG alpha transparency
[un]   [+]   Animated PNG (APNG)
[ls]   [+]   Video element


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Special thanks to the following users and contributors:


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Cani projects codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.