
Capistrano extensions for configuring, provisioning, and management

MIT License


= capistrano-boss

Collection of extensions for managing Rails projects via Capistrano in production environments.

These recipes are extracted from two years of running Ruby on Rails projects in production environments.

== Installation

Install the gem:

sudo gem install capistrano-boss

Capify a project:

rails test cd test capify .

Capbossify to add the extensions:

capbossify .

The Capfile will be extended to include the capistrano-boss recipes.

== Usage

Once capbossify has been used on a project, the recipes will be added to the list of available recipes.

== Recipes

The capistrano-boss recipes are split into several namespaces.

=== Deploy

One extra recipe is added for SSH key management:

cap deploy:authorized_keys # Upload authorized_keys file.

This task uploads an authorized_keys file to the cap user +.ssh/authorized_keys+ location. Keyfile is expected to be +authorized_keys+ or set the environment variable +keys+:

cap deploy:authorized_keys keys=my_auth_keys

=== Apache

The set of apache recipes are for using the standard apachectl options as well as some convenience recipes for handling logs.

cap apache:graceful # Graceful Apache web service cap apache:graceful_stop # Graceful-stop Apache web service cap apache:log:fetch # Download Apache httpd logs cap apache:log:tail # Tail Apache httpd logs cap apache:log:watch # Watch Apache httpd logs cap apache:restart # Restart Apache web service cap apache:start # Start Apache web service cap apache:stop # Stop Apache web service

By default, the variable +apache_logs+ is set to an array that includes the error and access log from the default location for Red Hat. Override with the location of the logs or to add custom logs.

The control tasks use +apachectl+ variable to determine the select the HTTP server control interface.

===== apache:log:fetch

Copies log files to +./log/deploy/RAILS_ENV/TIMESTAMP/HOST-LOGFILENAME.log+.

===== apache:log:tail

Tail last n lines of the log files by host. Set environment variable +lines+ to set number of lines.

cap apache:log:tail lines=50

===== apache:log:watch

Running tail of all the log files with a host and timestamp for each line. Useful to watch all the logs in real-time.

=== Passenger

Simple task to restart a Passenger managed application. This recipe is an alias for the +touch+ +tmp/restart.txt+ method. It makes other tasks that want to restart the app more readable.

cap passenger:restart # Restart Rails application

=== Rails

The Rails set of recipes help with configuration and monitoring.

cap rails:about # About Rails environment cap rails:config # Generate Rails configuration cap rails:config:database # Create a database.yml file in shared con... cap rails:deploy:config # Deploy Rails configuration files cap rails:deploy:snapshot_database # Snapshot database. cap rails:log:fetch # Download Rails application log cap rails:log:tail # Tail Rails application log cap rails:log:watch # Watch Rails application log

If the application is not rails, set the variable +rails_disable+ to true in the +./config/deploy.rb+ file to disable all the Rails recipes:

set :rails_disable, false

===== rails:config

Meta recipe that runs all the config tasks. Useful when initializing a new environment (when using the capistrano-ext multistage extension for example). Creates a +SHARED_PATH/config+ directory for config files that don't change for each deploy.

===== rails:config:database

Generate +SHARED_PATH/config/database.yml+ file. It will prompt for the database password if not provided. This method allows for writing the config file into a production environment without checking in the database password. Set +db_*+ variables to write the environment section in the database.yml file. Defaults are valid for MySQL with database default of +USER_RAILS_ENV+.

===== rails:deploy:config

Symlink +SHARED_PATH/config/database.yml+ to +CURRENT_PATH/config/database.yml+. Used for deploys to utilize the shared database config.

===== rails:deploy:snapshot_database

Run a MySQL dump to the location specified by environment variable +dbpath+. Default location is +SHARED_PATH/backup/db/DATABASE_TIMESTAMP.sql.gz+.

cap rails:deploy:snapshot_database dbpath=/var/backup/db

===== rails:log:fetch

Copies RAILS_ENV.log file to +./log/deploy/RAILS_ENV/TIMESTAMP/HOST-RAILS_ENV.log+

===== rails:log:tail

Tail last n lines of the log files by host. Set environment variable +lines+ to set number of lines.

cap rails:log:tail lines=50

===== rails:log:watch

Running tail of all the log files with a host and timestamp for each line. Useful to watch all the logs in real-time.

=== Subversion

Support for the subversion scm has been extended to include +branch+ and +tag+ variables. If either variable is set, the repository path is adjusted to take the tag or branch into account. The default is to use +trunk+. The repository should be the base URL without trunk/branches/tags. Also, it assumes a standard subversion layout:

project/ branches/ tags/ trunk/


==== trunk set :repository, '/path/to/svn/root/project' => Repository is /path/to/svn/root/project/trunk at runtime

==== branch set :repository, '/path/to/svn/root/project' set :branch, 'mybranch' => Repository is /path/to/svn/root/project/branches/mybranch

==== tag set :repository, '/path/to/svn/root/project' set :tag, 'mytag' => Repository is /path/to/svn/root/project/tags/mytag

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Andrew Carter. See LICENSE for details.

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