
A rails project to demonstrate cells in action.


h2. Installation

Browse to @localhost:3000@ and have fun.

h2. Diving in

Start with @app/controllers/blog_controller.rb@ and study the cell class files referenced by #render_cell.

  • a basic cell to start with is in @app/cells/post_cell.rb@
  • forms in cells are revealed in @app/cells/newsletter_cell.rb@
  • simple caching is demonstrated in @app/cells/debug_cell.rb@

h2. Caching

Simple Caching is demonstrated in @app/cells/debug_cell.rb@.

h2. View Inheritance

The @app/cells/rubyflow_teaser_cell.rb@ on @/portal/rubyflow@ does use view inheritance. Read how it's done at "http://apotomo.de/2010/04/using-cells-view-inheritance-to-clean-up-your-views/":http://apotomo.de/2010/04/using-cells-view-inheritance-to-clean-up-your-views/

h2. Contribute!

If you think these examples are useless, feel free to add more descriptive stuff and send us a pull request. We're looking forward to your work.

Every contribution pulled into master will be rewarded with beer at a Ruby/Rails event (I PAY!).

h3. Contributors

  • Michał Łomnicki [mlomnicki]: VideoCell with AJAX-Form, model and cache sweepers (+3 beers).
  • Winston Tsang [rubyconsumer]: added a layout with navigation, a display-cells-borders button, and various JS libs (+3 beers).