
Fixes CSVs with unquoted commas in values

MIT License


Comma Splice

This gem tackles one very specific problem: when CSVs have commas in the values and the values haven't been quoted. This determines which commas separate fields and which commas are part of a value, and corrects the file.

For example, given the following CSV

01-27-2019 @ 12:34:00,Lester Sterling, Lynn Taitt & The Jets,Check Point Charlie,Merritone Rock Steady 3: Bang Bang Rock Steady 1966-1968,Dub Store,
01-27-2019 @ 12:31:00,Lester Sterling,Lester Sterling Special,Merritone Rock Steady 2: This Music Got Soul 1966-1967,Dub Store,

which parses incorrectly as:

timestamp artist title albumtitle label
01-27-2019 @ 12:34:00 Lester Sterling Lynn Taitt & The Jets Check Point Charlie Merritone Rock Steady 3: Bang Bang Rock Steady 1966-1968
01-27-2019 @ 12:31:00 Lester Sterling Lester Sterling Special Merritone Rock Steady 2: This Music Got Soul 1966-1967 Dub Store

Running this through comma_splice correct /path/to/file will return this corrected content:

01-27-2019 @ 12:34:00,"Lester Sterling, Lynn Taitt & The Jets",Check Point Charlie,Merritone Rock Steady 3: Bang Bang Rock Steady 1966-1968,Dub Store,
01-27-2019 @ 12:31:00,Lester Sterling,Lester Sterling Special,Merritone Rock Steady 2: This Music Got Soul 1966-1967,Dub Store,
timestamp artist title albumtitle label
01-27-2019 @ 12:34:00 Lester Sterling, Lynn Taitt & The Jets Check Point Charlie Merritone Rock Steady 3: Bang Bang Rock Steady 1966-1968 Dub Store
01-27-2019 @ 12:31:00 Lester Sterling Lester Sterling Special Merritone Rock Steady 2: This Music Got Soul 1966-1967 Dub Store

If it can't determine where the comma should go, it prompts you for the possible options

given the following CSV:

16851097,,,12-09-2017 @ 09:57:00,10,000 Maniacs and Michael Stipe,To Sir with Love,Campfire Songs,Rhino,post,live,y,
16851096,,,12-09-2017 @ 09:44:00,Fran Jeffries,Mine Eyes,Fran Can Really Hang You Up the Most,Warwick,post,live,y,

It prompts:

Which one of these is correct?

(1)  artist    : 10
     title     : 000 Maniacs and Michael Stipe
     albumtitle: To Sir with Love
     label     : "Campfire Songs,Rhino"

(2)  artist    : 10
     title     : 000 Maniacs and Michael Stipe
     albumtitle: "To Sir with Love,Campfire Songs"
     label     : Rhino

(3)  artist    : 10
     title     : "000 Maniacs and Michael Stipe,To Sir with Love"
     albumtitle: Campfire Songs
     label     : Rhino

(4)  artist    : "10,000 Maniacs and Michael Stipe"
     title     : To Sir with Love
     albumtitle: Campfire Songs
     label     : Rhino

Select an option (4), and it returns:

16851097,,,12-09-2017 @ 09:57:00,"10,000 Maniacs and Michael Stipe",To Sir with Love,Campfire Songs,Rhino,post,live,y,
16851096,,,12-09-2017 @ 09:44:00,Fran Jeffries,Mine Eyes,Fran Can Really Hang You Up the Most,Warwick,post,live,y,


You can use this in a ruby program by using installing the comma_splice gem, or you can install it on your system and use the comma_splice command line utility.

Return the number of bad lines in a file

  #you can specify another separator, separator: ';').bad_lines.size
  comma_splice bad_line_count /path/to/file.csv
Display the fixed contents
  #you can specify another separator, separator: ';').corrected
  comma_splice correct /path/to/file.csv
Process a file and save the fixed version
  #you can specify another separator, separator: ';').save(save_path)
  comma_splice fix /path/to/file.csv /path/to/save


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'comma_splice'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install comma_splice


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.