
building rest api-server with cuba

MIT License


cuba rest

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this is a (hopefully) small collections of plugin, rack-middleware and datamapper extensions to build rest API servers with cuba. most will work without datamapper - the Cuba::Rest::Rack::ErrorRack needs ERROR_2_STATUS to be setup as needed. probably the dependency to datamapper is still there.


  • input filter on POST/PUT data (json, yaml or maybe other formats)
  • serializer for delivering json, yaml or maybe other formats
  • helper methods in both cuba and the response object to implement conditional gets
  • convert file extentions (.json, .yaml) to respective HTTP_ACCEPT
  • restful response codes
    • 201 (created) with location header on POST request
    • 204 (no content) on DELETE request
    • 404 (conflict) triggered by any get! from datamapper in case the object does not exist
    • 409 (conflict) triggered by optimistic_get/optimistic_get! from ixtlan-datamapper
    • 412 (precondition failed) when output object responds to errors and is not empty
  • datamapper extensions for optimistic persistence
  • datamapper extensions for conditional get
  • there will one Cuba::Rest::Response instance per thread, i.e. even with composition you will have only ONE response object (unlike with upstream Cuba)
  • default response has content-type text/plain (unlike Cuba)
  • default response has status 404 unless there was content written which gives 200 (unlike Cuba)


just require 'cuba_rest'. in case you want to customize or cherry pick things have a look at lib/cuba/rest.rb to see how.

consuming and producing json/yaml

the Cuba::Rest::Plugin has two methods for this read( FilterClass ) and write( object )/write( object, context )/write( object, SerializerClass ).

the FilterClass must of type Ixtlan::Babel::HashFilter, an instance receives the payload from the client and ensures you get only the data you need for your business logic. the Content-Type on the request must be set correctly to parse the given payload.

the write method uses the Ixtlan::Babel::Factory to produces a serializer. if the object responds to errors and those errors are not empty then *precondition failed status is used along with payload of the serialized errors (Hash).

a POST request will use status 201 (created) along with a Location header (object must respond to id)

for a DELETE request a status 204 (no content) is used.

empty_path and on_path

there are some shortcuts to write up the cuba part:

on_path :id do |id|
  on get do

this is the same as

on :id, empty_path do |id|
  on get do
  res.status 406 # method not allowed

where the empty_path is a matcher that all path was consumed.

conditional get

to help there is a method modified_since in Cuba to retrieve the request header IF_MODIFIED_SINCE and a method last_modified in Cuba::Rest::Response (comes as default with cuba-rest) to set it for the response.


beside the extra matcher empty_path, the on_path method and the modifed_since method, there are a couple of convienent methods to parse request parameters

  • to_float( name, default = nil )
  • to_int( name, default = nil )
  • to_boolean( name, default = nil )


there are a list of methods setting cache control headers on the response

  • no_cache
  • no_cache_no_store
  • browser_proxy_cache( minutes )
  • browser_only_cache( minutes )
  • browser_only_cache_no_store( minutes )

expired by ArticleHttpCaching. more about caching is in increasing-application-performance-with-http-cache-headers.

other convenient methods are

  • content_type( mime )
  • rfc2616( time )
  • send_status( status )
  • last_modified( last )

it also default the response status to 404 unless there is some actual content. it will respect manual set response status.


per default Cuba::Rest::Rack::MimeRack consumes application/json and produces application/json and text/x-yaml as requested by the request. other media types (like XML) need to be configured and Hash and Array need to have respective method (like to_xml ) to work.

the request either can set the HTTP_ACCEPT to the desired media type or use the file extension .json or .yaml to trigger the right media. note that the file extension will NOT be passed on the Cuba matchers !

the main focus is JSON for input and output as well YAML as output since it produces nice on screen presentation.


this rack middleware is meant to rescue from some exceptions/errors and produces given http status codes. per default it catches

  • DataMapper::ObjectNotFoundError gives 404 (not found)
  • Ixtlan::DataMapper::StaleObjectException gives 409 (conflict)

just add your exceptions and status to Cuba::Rest::Rack::ErrorRack::ERROR_2_STATUS

it also logs a simple statement to console for each caught error. to produces a backtrace on the console log switch the logger to

require 'cuba/rest/rack/error_rack'
CubaRest::Rack::Logger = CubaRest::Rack::DebugErrorLogger

this must happen before requiring cuba-rest. NOTE bundler with its auto-require feature has to be off for cuba-rest


it is fully working example with test and part of the test suite of cuba-rest.

the example uses composition of Cuba objects to have a similar directory structure as the API directory. i.e. all the 'users' stuff is in /users and all the 'groups' in /groups.

the actual application (business logic) is inside the models (lib/models.rb). the cuba and filter/serializers deals with HTTP layer of the application. when starting the lib/console.rb only the application gets loaded - no HTTP stuff.

it comes with Procfile and Gemfile for heroku. dito the database setup works with heroku as well.

there are also a few convinient commands in example/bin to start the server, seed the database, start an irb session with the loaded models, or run the (cu)test. all those scripts use bundler to setup the load_path to use. bundler is only used when the bin/load_path is out of date.

note: this is basically my personal template for starting a new app ;)


  1. fork it
  2. create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. create new pull request


enjoy :)