
Danger plugin to report lint warnings of different tools

MIT License


This danger plugin provides a uniform report format for various tools. The purpose is a simple to use plugin regardless of the tool used to find issues in your project 🕵️

This plugin was inspired by the work of warnings-ng-plugin 🙇‍♂️

Table of Contents

How it looks like

As markdown

Bandit Report

Severity File Message
Low example/ply/yacc_1.py:2853 [B403-blacklist] Consider possible security implications associated with pickle module.
Medium example/ply/yacc_2.py:3255 [B102-exec_used] Use of exec detected.
High example/ply/yacc_3.py:3255 [B102-exec_used] Use of exec detected.

As inline comment

Consider possible security implications associated with pickle module.


$ gem install danger-warnings


Methods and attributes from this plugin are available in 
your `Dangerfile` under the `warnings` namespace.

Minimal example:

# Create a bandit report with default settings.
  parser: :bandit,
  file: 'reports/bandit.json'         

Simple example:

# Create a bandit report with a custom name, fails if any high warning exists 
# and evaluates all issues (not only the changed files) .
  name: 'My Bandit Report',            
  parser: :bandit,
  file: 'reports/bandit.json',
  fail_error: true,
  filter: false         

Complex example:

# Define base settings to be applied to all new reporter.
warnings.inline = true
warning.fail_error = true

# Use custom names to separate the table reports in the danger comment. 
  name: 'Report 1',          
  parser: :bandit,
  file: 'reports/bandit.json'
  # Not necessary because already defined as default.   
  # inline: true,
  # fail_error: true      

  name: 'Report 2',         
  parser: :bandit,
  file: 'reports/bandit.json'         
  # Not necessary because already defined as default.   
  # inline: true,
  # fail_error: true      

  name: 'Report 3',         
  parser: :bandit,
  file: 'reports/bandit.json',         
  # Override the newly defined default settings only for this reporter.   
  inline: false,
  fail_error: false      


Override default settings

These values apply to all reports. It is possible to override the values in the report method.

Field Default Description
warnings.inline False Whether to comment as markdown report or do an inline comment on the file.
warnings.filter True Whether to filter and report only for changes (modified, created) files. If this is set to false, all issues of a report are included in the comment.
warnings.fail_error False Whether to fail if any High issue is reported.

Create a report

The method warnings.report(*args) is the main method of this plugin. Configure the details of your report using the arguments passed by.

Parameter Class Description
name String A custom name for this report. If none is given, the parser name is used. Useful to separate different reports using the same common style (e.g. checkstyle).
parser Symbol, String Define the parser to evaluate the report file. Must be a key of the supported parser
file String Path to the file to read and parse.
baseline String Define a baseline for your files. Useful if the report removes a path segment but is required to identify them in the repository. E.g. /src/main/java

All default fields can be passed as parameters to report.

  • inline
  • filter
  • fail_error

These will override the configuration for this report only.

What it does not

It is not the responsibility of this plugin to exclude / include files or directories. We will only process the result and present it to you. Something like this belongs to your tool configuration before running it.


Find a list with supported report formats and their parsers.

If your desired parser is not explicitly named, look into your tools documentation - maybe you can format the report in a different style (and give it a custom name when calling warnings.report).

any file format means that the file is most likely read line by line, so the extension is not important.

Your parser is missing and you cannot export into another format? -> Create an Issue

Number Name ID File Format Formatter
1 Bandit bandit json json
2 Pylint pylint any parseable
3 RuboCop rubocop json, any json, simple