
A small utility to generate a PDF death certificate based on form input


Death Certificate Generator

This project is a tool to create a death certificate by taking form inputs and generating a PDF file using Prawn. The application is built with Ruby on Sinatra, and utilizes Sinatra AssetPack to incorporate both SASS and CoffeeScript.

The app is meant to be lightweight, and minimize dependencies. It pulls in the area gem for geocoding zip codes, but does not use jQuery or other JavaScript libraries.

Running the Application

You can run the app like any other Sinatra modular application, by running from the project directory:

rackup -p 4567

Example Output


There are probably not too many features that will be added. The idea is to keep things simple, so helpful refinements are most likely. A happy path test using rspec would probably be the next step to ensure basic functionality continues to work.

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