Sends you notifications as soon as grades are on hsr

MIT License


Did I Pass for HSR

Installation on Heroku

Clone the repository

git clone git://github.com/mweibel/DidIPassHSR.git && cd DidIPassHSR

The easy way

Install heroku.json

heroku plugins:install [email protected]:rainforestapp/heroku.json.git

Change the env variables in heroku.json

vi heroku.json

Bootstrap the app

heroku bootstrap

The hard way

Create a new app

heroku create

Add addons

heroku addons:add scheduler:standard
heroku addons:add redistogo:nano

# For email notifier
heroku addons:add sendgrid:starter

Add configuration

heroku config:add NOTIFIER='Prowl' # Available: Prowl, Dry, Email
heroku config:add HSR_USERNAME='<your-hsr-username>'
heroku config:add HSR_PASSWORD='<your-hsr-password>'
heroku config:add CACHE='Redis'

# For prowl notifier
heroku config:add PROWL_API_KEY='<prowl-api-key>'

# For email notifier
heroku config:add NOTIFICATION_EMAIL='<email>'

Push to heroku

git push heroku master

Open the scheduler configuration and create a new task: 'ruby task.rb', every 3 hours

heroku addons:open scheduler

Test if the task works...

heroku run ruby task.rb

Installation somewhere else

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/mweibel/DidIPass.git && cd DidIPass

Install dependencies

bundle install

Configuration (might be needed to prefix before the command in the cronjob config

export NOTIFIER='Prowl' # email notifier currently only works on heroku
export HSR_USERNAME='<your-hsr-username>'
export HSR_PASSWORD='<your-hsr-password>'
export PROWL_API_KEY='<prowl-api-key>'
export CACHE='Redis' or export CACHE='File'
export CACHE_PATH='<path>' # if CACHE='FILE' && default path is not working for you (pwd of task.rb + /.cache)

Edit crontab to add it

crontab -e

Run it for testing



DidIPassHSR is released under MIT License (see LICENSE).


Following stuff would be easily doable and a nice to have:

  • Configuration with e.g. a YAML file instead of ENV variables for setups w/o heroku
  • More notifiers
  • More tests


  1. run ruby test.rb