
Keep track of distributed jobs spanning multiple workers using redis

MIT License



Easily keep track of distributed jobs consisting of an arbitrary number of parts spanning multiple workers using redis. Can be used with any kind of backround job processing queue.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'distributed_job'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install distributed_job


Getting started is very easy. A DistributedJob allows to keep track of a distributed job, i.e. a job which is split into multiple units running in parallel and in multiple workers.

First, create a DistributedJob::Client:

  DistributedJobClient = DistributedJob::Client.new(redis: Redis.new)

You can specify a namespace to be additionally used for redis keys and set a default_ttl for keys (Default is 86_400, i.e. one day), which will be used every time when keys in redis are updated to guarantee that the distributed job metadata is cleaned up properly from redis at some point in time.

Afterwards, you have two options to add parts, i.e. units of work, to the distributed job. The first option is to use #push_all and pass an enum:

  distributed_job = DistributedJobClient.build(token: SecureRandom.hex)
  distributed_job.push_all(["job1", "job2", "job3"])


  distributed_job.token # can be used to query the status of the distributed job

Here, 3 parts named job1, job2 and job3 are added to the distributed job and then 3 corresponding background jobs are enqueued. It is important to push the parts before the background jobs are enqueued. Otherwise the background jobs maybe can't find them. The token must be passed to the background jobs, such that the background job can update the status of the distributed job by marking the respective part as done. The token can also be used to query the status of the distributed job, e.g. on a job summary page or similar. You can also show some progress bar in the browser or in the terminal, etc.

# token is given via URL or via some other means
distributed_job = DistributedJobClient.build(token: params[:token])

distributed_job.total # total number of parts
distributed_job.count # number of unfinished parts
distributed_job.finished? # whether or not all parts are finished
distributed_job.open_parts # returns all not yet finished part id's

distributed_job.done('job1') # marks the respective part as done

The second option is to use #push_each:

  distributed_job = DistributedJobClient.build(token: SecureRandom.hex)

  distributed_job.push_each(Date.parse('2021-01-01')..Date.today) do |date, part|
    SomeBackgroundJob.perform_async(date, distributed_job.token, part)

  distributed_job.token # again, can be used to query the status of the distributed job

Here, the part name is automatically generated to be some id and passed as part to the block. The part must also be passed to the respective background job for it be able to mark the part as finished after it has been successfully processed. Therefore, when all those background jobs have successfully finished, all parts will be marked as finished, such that the distributed job will finally be finished as well.

Within the background job, you must use the passed token and part to query and update the status of the distributed job and part accordingly. Please note that you can use whatever background job processing tool you like most.

class SomeBackgroundJob
  def perform(whatever, token, part)
    distributed_job = DistributedJobClient.build(redis: Redis.new, token: token)

    return if distributed_job.stopped?

    # ...

    if distributed_job.done(part)
      # perform e.g. cleanup or the some other job


The #stop and #stopped? methods can be used to globally stop a distributed job in case of errors. Contrary, the #done method tells the distributed job that the specified part has successfully finished. The #done method returns true when all parts of the distributed job have finished, which is useful to start cleanup jobs or to even start another subsequent distributed job.

That's it.

Reference docs

Please find the reference docs at http://www.rubydoc.info/github/mrkamel/distributed_job


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rspec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/mrkamel/distributed_job.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.