
Update DNS records on local or remote (over SSH or HTTP) DNS server (eg. PowerDNS).



DNSUpdater - Dynamic DNS (DDNS)

Using this application you can update DNS records on local or remote (over SSH or HTTP) DNS server (eg. PowerDNS).

For example if you have dynamic IP you can use this application to automatically update DNS record with your external IP.


First you need to have Ruby and RubyGems. Then you can install it with:

$ gem install DNSUpdater

Install Systemd service files

$ cp service/dnsupdater.{service,timer} /etc/systemd/system/
$ systemctl enable dnsupdater.timer

Note that you'll need to edit /etc/systemd/system/dnsupdater.service to set target domain.


Create /etc/dnsupdater.yaml with your settings, take a look at config_example.yaml.

By default configuration file will be looked into current directory as config.yaml or in /etc/dnsupdater.yaml. But you can specify any config path with -c flag.


$ updateDNS -h
Usage: updateDNS [options] <target>
    -c, --config config.yaml         Path to config file
    -t, --target=PROTOCOL            Target protocol (useful for SSH)
    -s, --serve                      Serve/handle HTTP
    -h, --help                       Show this message

Supported targets are: http, https, powerdns, ssh
Target examples:
* default:///example.com/
* ssh://dns.example.com:123/example.org/client
* http://example.org/dns.example.com/,

Update DNS record on locally installed PowerDNS

$ updateDNS powerdns:///domain.example.com/

Note that you'll need to set PowerDNS HTTP API key in config.

Update DNS record on remote PowerDNS over SSH with current external IP

$ updateDNS ssh://ssh.example.org/domain.example.com/client

client as IP means that DNS record will be updated with your external IP (client IP from target DNS server point).

SSH settings can also be configured in ~/.ssh/config which will be respected.

HTTP server mode

DNSUpdater can also work as HTTP server and update DNS records from clients.

$ updateDNS --serve

For authentication you'll need to set SharedSecret in config. Also I recommend placing it behind Nginx.

Then clients can do

$ updateDNS

PS. It also accepts DynDNS format: /nic/update?hostname=yourhostname&myip=ipaddress

Update DNS record on firewalled remote PowerDNS over SSH with HTTP

Suppose you have 3 machines:

A - internal firewalled PowerDNS server which isn't accessible publicly.

B - publicly accessible HTTP server.

C - client who's external IP you want to set.

On B you would run updateDNS -s in HTTP server mode configured that it updates PowerDNS on A over SSH.

On C you would run updateDNS https://B/mydomain.example.com/client


Basically currently there's support only for PowerDNS and don't have BIND support, but it should be pretty easy to add support for others so just send a PR :)


YARD with markdown is used for documentation (redcarpet required)


RSpec and simplecov are required, to run tests just rake spec code coverage will also be generated

Code status


All text, documentation, code and files in this repository are in public domain (including this text, README). It means you can copy, modify, distribute and include in your own work/code, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

About Unlicense


Feel free to improve as you see.

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Export .yaml data files to binary .dat with rake export
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create new Pull Request

Warning: By sending pull request to this repository you dedicate any and all copyright interest in pull request (code files and all other) to the public domain. (files will be in public domain even if pull request doesn't get merged)

Also before sending pull request you acknowledge that you own all copyrights or have authorization to dedicate them to public domain.

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