
Create CHM documentation from simple hierarchy of plain text files.

MIT License


About DocuBot

DocuBot is a simple tool for easily creating complex CHM documents from a hierarchy of plain text files. At its simplest:

  1. Create a directory hierarchy of text files with the extension .md.

    • This will use Markdown to convert the files to HTML.
    • Use docubot create mydirectory to create a helpful shell for you.
  2. Run docubot mydirectory

    • DocuBot will create mydirectory.chm in short order.
      The CHM will have Table of Contents based on the names of the directories and files.


DocuBot requires Ruby and Windows. (Windows is required to create the CHM file using Microsoft's (proprietary) HTML Help Workshop.)


  1. Ensure you're running RubyGems 1.3.5 or newer:
    • gem update --system
  2. Install the DocuBot gem:
    • gem install docubot --no-rdoc --no-ri
      • Disabling system documentation is necessary because the RedCloth used by DocuBot currently has issues when installing on Windows.
      • This will install the docubot binary as well as all necessary supporting files.
  3. Download and install Microsoft HTML Help.
  4. Ensure that the HTML Help Compiler executable (hhc.exe) is in your PATH.

Additional Control

Sorting the Table of Contents

Files and directories may be named starting with numbers to control the sort order, such as:

1 Introduction
  1 License
  2 About our
2 Basics
  1 Getting
  2 Interface
3 Appendix

These numbers will not appear in the titles for the sections and pages.

Using Custom Page Titles

Some characters cannot be used in file names on Windows, such as / ? < > \ : * | ". If you want to name a page using these characters, you need to specify the title in a metadata section at the top of the file.

The metadata section consists of lower-case attributes (like "title") and values separated by colons. This section must be separated from the rest of the document by three plus characters on their own line ("+++"). For example:

title   : What does the Metadata Section Look Like?
author  : Gavin Kistner
edited  : 2010-01-05
summary : Example of a file using a metadata section.
It does not matter what this file is named; the title above will be
used instead. (However, the file name affects sorting in the TOC.)

See the section "Using Additional Metadata" in the DocuBot help for
more information on using other fields in the metadata section.

Using Custom Section Titles

A file named "" inside a directory describes the section itself. Such a file with a title attribute in the metadata section allows you to set the title of the section itself.

Note that for the metadata section to be recognized, the section must end with +++ on its own line (even if you have no additional content you wanted to write for that section).

Syntax Highlighting for Code

If you install the CodeRay Ruby gem (hint: gem install coderay) you can get syntax highlighting for code blocks in a variety of coding languages. Supported languages and their identifiers (see below) as of CodeRay v1.1:

  • C - c
  • C++ - cplusplus, cpp
  • Clojure - clojure
  • CSS - css
  • Delphi - delphi, pascal
  • Diff - diff, patch
  • Erb - erb, eruby
  • Groovy - groovy
  • Haml - haml
  • HTML - html, xhtml
  • Java - java
  • JavaScript - js, ecma_script, ecmascript, java_script, javascript
  • JSON - json
  • PHP - php
  • Python - python
  • Ruby - ruby, rhtml, irb
  • SQL - sql
  • Text - plain, plaintext, text, default
  • XML - xml
  • YAML - yaml, yml

Syntax highlighting is currently supported for HTML and Markdown markup pages only.

Syntax Highlighting in HTML

To specify that a block of code should have syntax highlighting applied, add a CSS class to the element whose contents you want highlighted:

<pre class="language-cpp">
printf('Syntax highlighting for C++');

This can be on any element, including inline <code> elements. The CSS class must start with language- and finish with one of the recognized language identifiers (see above).

Syntax Highlighting in Markdown

To specify that a block of code should have syntax highlighting applied, specify the language for the code block either via a kramdown code fence

~~~ cpp
printf('Syntax highlighting for C++');

or a kramdown inline-attribute block:

printf('This is less tidy');
{: .language-cpp}

To specify that an inline code snippet should be highlighted, also use the inline attribute block:

To print a line, use the `printf()`{: .language-cpp} command.

Note: Applying CSS classes to arbitrary HTML markup inside Markdown will not apply syntax highlighting:

You will get <span class="language-cpp">no highlighting here</span> in Markdown.

Disabling Syntax Highlighting

If you do not want syntax highlighting applied to a particular pageif, for some reason, you have CSS classes language-foo applied to your HTML but don't want syntax highlightingadd a highlight:off directive to the metasection for your page.

Adding Terms to the Index

  1. By default, every heading (<h1>-<h6>) and definition term (<dt>) in your final pages will add an entry in the index to the page using it.

    • If you don't want headings and/or definitions indexed for a particular page, mention one or both of them at the top of the page like this: no-index: headings, definitions.
  2. Additionally, putting something like keywords: Introduction, Overview, Tool Panel at the top of the page will add index entries for those terms.

  3. Additionally, placing double 'at' characters around text on your page, such as "When using the @@hyperwrench@@, be sure...", adds index entries for each word or phrase you wrap.

Adding Glossary Entries

If you create a folder named _glossary at the root of your project, any pages you put in there will be added to the general glossary with the title of the page (filename or title attribute) as the term and the contents of the page as the definition.

To use the glossary page in your site, create a page wherever you want with template: glossary in the metasection at the top. The glossary of terms and definitions will be generated from the glossary template.

To reference a glossary term on a particular page, put two dollar signs around the term, like If the wrench starts $$fonkulating$$, run as fast.... If you are using the glossary.js, generated glossary-terms.js, and glossary.css you will get a little tooltip with the definition when you click on it.

If you want to create a glossary link using slightly different text than the glossary term, do it like so this, With many $$rigid bodies:rigid body$$ in the scene, .... That will display the text "rigid bodies" but link it to the glossary term "rigid body".

Adding Sub-Heading Links to the Table of Contents

If you have a single page with many sections on it and you want to see sub-links for those sections in the table of contents, you can accomplish it in one of two ways.

If you have content with explicit id attributes on various HTML elements, add a toc entry in the metasection with a comma-delimited list of the element identifiers whose contents you want added as a sub-link in the table of contents. For example:

title: Welcome to FrobozzCo
toc  : #intro, #learning
<h2 id="intro">Introduction</h2>
<h3 id="goaway">But Don't Call Us...</h3>
<h2 id="learning">Learning from Your Mistakes</h2>

In the above example, the Table of Contents will have the following hierarchy:

Welcome to FrobozzCo
   Learning from Your Mistakes

The sub-links in the table of contents will link directly to the appropriate subsection.

If you are using markup (such as Markdown) without specifying HTML id attributes, do not fret. DocuBot can automatically create identifiers for the following HTML elements: h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 legend caption dt. In this scenario, add a toc entry in the metasection with a comma-delimited list of the exact text for the elements you wish to link to, in quotes. For example:

title: Welcome to FrobozzCo
toc  : "Introduction", "Learning from Your Mistakes"
## Introduction
### But Don't Call Us...
## Learning from Your Mistakes

The results will be the same as above.

If you want id attributes auto-generated for the elements listed above, but don't necessarily need them for custom toc sub-entries, use auto-id: true to force them to be generated.

Editing the HTML Templates and Stylesheet

TODO: See the files in the _templates directory (and the _root directory inside it). Bone up on your Haml and Ruby skills.

TODO: Sections default to section.haml, pages to page.haml. Use template: foobar at the top of a page to get it to use another page template. All content finishes by being wrapped in top.haml.

Using Additional Metadata

TODO: Labeled values in the metasection are available as properties of the page object made available to templates. Use if page.value to ask if any value has been defined. Use page['non-standard name'] if the name has spaces or hyphens or other non-standard idenfitiers in it.

Setting Global Metadata

A file named "" in the root of your documentation directory allows you to set global metadata for the entire project. Attributes defined in this file are available as properties on a global object in your template. For example:

# at the root of your site
title  : FrobozzCo Reference Manual
company: Froboz Widgets (a FrobozzCo subsidiary)
default: Welcome to FrobozzCo

# page.haml in your template
      Copyright #{} #{}. All rights reserved.

CHM-Specific Metadata

A title attribute set in a root "index.*" page will be used as the name for the CHM documentation. (As seen above, the title of the CHM would show as "FrobozzCo Reference Manual".)

A default attribute set in this root file will try to find the page with that exact title and use it as the page displayed when the CHM opens the CHM documentation. (As seen above, the CHM would open to the "Welcome to FrobozzCo" page, if it exists.) Due to a limitation in the CHM hhp file format (or DocuBot's understanding of it), the page used as the default may not have spaces in the file name.

Automatic Sections

By default, the contents of every page will have <div class='section'>...</div> wrapped around the 'children' of headings. For example, this (flat) HTML content for a page:

<p>Not sure how to start your day? Let us help!</p>

<h1>1.0 Getting Started</h1>

<h2>1.1 First Things First</h2>
<p>Get out of bed.</p>

<h2>1.2 Get Dressed</h2>
<p>Put on your clothes.</p>

<h3>1.2.1 First, the undergarments</h3>
<p>...and then the rest</p>

<h1>2.0 Eating Breakfast</h1>
<p>And so on, and so on...</p>

will actually be transformed into this:

<p>Not sure how to start your day? Let us help!</p>

<h1>1.0 Getting Started</h1>
<div class='section'>

   <h2>1.1 First Things First</h2>
   <div class='section'>
      <p>Get out of bed.</p>

   <h2>1.2 Get Dressed</h2>
   <div class='section'>
      <p>Put on your clothes.</p>
      <h3>1.2.1 First, the undergarments</h3>
      <div class='section'>
        <p>...and then the rest</p>

<h1>2.0 Eating Breakfast</h1>
<div class='section'>
  <p>And so on, and so on...</p>

This lets you put CSS such as: div.section{ margin-left:1em } to get your page content visually indented.

This code is run on the contents of the page before being wrapped in the page and top templates. Presumably if you want to control the hierarchy in your templates, you can do that yourself.

If you do not want this transformation applied to a particular page, put auto-section: false in the metasection for the page.

Ignoring Files

Do you have certain files that you want ignored, such as source Photoshop files in your images directory, Thumbs.db files from Windows, or even text files that might be mistaken for pages? If so, add an ignore attribute in the metasection on the index.* file at the root of your site. The value of this is a space-delimited list of glob patterns for files and folders to ignore.

For example, to ignore *.psd and *.ai files in any directory, and ignore any README files at the root of your site, you would add:

title : My Super Documentation
ignore: **/*.psd **/*.ai README.*

Metasection Attribute Reference

Here are all the attributes you can put in the metasection for a page or the site that have special meaning. (Of course, you can put your own attributes in for notes or metadata to be used by your own templates.)

# Any line in the metasection that starts with an octothorpe (number symbol)
# will be considered a comment and ignored.

# Attributes in the global index.* file

# The title for your entire documentation project. (Shows in the title of CHMs.)
# Defaults to "Table of Contents"
title: FrobozzCo Reference Manual

# The page to show when the documentation opens, specified by exact title.
# Defaults to first page in the Table of Contents.
default: Welcome to FrobozzCo

# Name of the company (shown in the footer of the default `top.haml`).
# Defaults to nothing (not shown).
company: Froboz Widgets (a FrobozzCo subsidiary)

# Glob patterns describing files (including page sources) to ignore.
# Ignoring a page does more than hide it; it doesn't generate it.
# Defaults to including every file.
ignore: **/*.psd **/.DS_Store **/Thumbs.db **/.[^.$]*

# Attributes at the top of any page

# The title for this page (or section for an index.* file in a folder).
# Defaults to the name of the file with underscores made into spaces
# and leading digits removed.
title: Welcome to FrobozzCo

# Create one or more entries in the Index pointing to this page.
keywords: Introduction, Overview, Tool Panel

# Do not create additional Index entries for headings and/or definition titles.
# Defaults to add both headings and definition titles to the Index.
no-index: headings definitions

# Do not wrap the 'children' of headers in <div class='section'>...</div>
# Default: true
auto-section: false

# Create sub-entries of this page in the Table of Contents, linking to specific
# HTML elements based on their id attribute. The title of the entry will be the
# text in the HTML element.
toc: #intro, #getting.started, #more-information

# Create sub-entries of this page in the Table of Contents, linking to specific
# HTML elements based on the exact text in the element. This only works for the
# following HTML elements: <h1>-<h6>, <legend>, <caption>, <dt>
# Requires two or more elements to be specified, separated by commas.
toc: "Introduction to FrobozzCo", "Getting Started with Widgets", "For More Info..."

# Generate HTML ids for the following elements: <h1>-<h6>, <legend>, <caption>, <dt>
# The id created for "<h2>1.2 Awesome & Sauce: more (and stuff)</h2>" will be:
# <h2 id='Awesome-Sauce:-more-and-stuff'>...
# Defaults to false unless the toc attribute is trying to link to text.
auto-id: true

# For pages/sections, hide the item from the Table of Contents (can still link to it).
# For glossary entries, hide the glossary entry (not even defined on pages).
# Default: false (show the item)
hide: true

# Prevent this page from being included in the TOC or contents.
# Useful for when a page is planned and in source control but not ready yet.
skip: true

# Disable syntax highlighting of code blocks on this page.
highlight: off

Additional Planned Features

  • Additional Markups (e.g. RDoc)
  • Customizing TOC Icons (via nice names, not just indexes)
  • Additional output formats (single-page HTML, single PDF)
  • Doxygen integration
  • Qt Assistant


Docubot is released under the MIT License. Please see LICENSE.txt for details.

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