
Creation of a chatbot with FAQ function and translation of text into another language using ruby and sinatra.

MIT License


ChatBot 🤖

This project is a chatbot with a FAQ function, that allows users to store questions and answers, and get there easily when needed.


  • List of questions and answers
  • Inclusion of new questions
  • Question removal
  • Survey of questions and answers
  • Search questions and answers by hashtag
  • List available commands
  • Translation of sentences into other languages


You just need to have the docker and docker-compose installed on your machine.


To change database settings config/database.rb

Create a .env with the example.env file

  • URL_API= Translation api url
  • API_KEY= key for translation api
  • NOT_ACTIVE_SERVICE= Tells whether the translation feature is active,
    0 disabled and 1 enabled

Getting Started

To get the app running, run the following commands:

  • Build container
docker-compose build
  • Installing the gems
docker-compose run --rm webiste bundle install
  • Creating the database
docker-compose run --rm website rake db:create
  • Generating migrate
docker-compose run --rm website rake db:migrate
  • Run the tests
docker-compose run --rm website rspec
  • Up service
docker-compose up


  • Ruby
  • Sinatra
  • Postgres
  • Dialogflow
  • Cloud Translation API
  • Docker
  • Docker compose


Implements sentence translation functionality into other languages.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details