
Export your Curtin University timetable to .ics for iCal, Google Calendar and Outlook.


Elsie Scraper

Online version!

I've ported ElsieScraper to function online, so you don't have to install it yourself. https://proj.imjac.in/ta/elsie

Import your calendar from Elsie and export it to .ics, a format iCal, Google Calendar and MS Outlook can all understand.

PS D:\Programming\Uni\elsiescrape> ruby main.rb
Student ID:

Getting user...
Found User: 19182065

Getting timetable for 30 Jul 2018 -> 30 Dec 2018...
Saving Calendar...
Calendar saved to out/unitcalendar.ics!

Using it

  1. Clone this repository (or download it as a .zip)
  2. Install Ruby
    • Mac: should already be installed. Optionally install with Homebrew (brew install ruby)
    • Linux (Debian/Ubuntu): apt-get install ruby-full
    • Windows: https://rubyinstaller.org/
  3. Install the 'json' and 'icalendar' gems
    • gem install json icalendar
  4. Run ruby main.rb and input your Student ID and Password
  5. Import your calendar into Google Calendar, Outlook or iCal and enjoy.

Changing the study period

Open main.rb and change the STUDY_START and STUDY_END variables. Their parameters are ordered YYYY, MM, DD